Title: Battle for Cymmera Series: Kingdom of Cymmera #3 Author: Dani-Lyn Alexander Published: 22/11/2016, Lyrical Press Pages: 215 Source: Netgalley Format: Ebook Rating: 3/5 With the traitor on the run, Ryleigh and Jackson can finally begin rebuilding their kingdom. But when a cryptic message suggests he was seen in Argonas, chaos creeps back into Cymmera once more... Jackson knows Cymmera will never be safe until the traitor, guilty of treason, is detained and executed. After ordering Cymmeran guardsmen to scour the land, he and the Death Dealer team brave the wilds of Argonas in search of the informant who spotted his foe And in his absence, Jackson not only leaves the throne empty,, but the kingdom vulnerable to attack... As a vicious army descends on Cymmera, Ryleigh is forced to flee to an uncharted realm with a small group of survivors - a place Jackson has no chance of discovering. Alone, but for the few people she was able to save, Ryleigh must decide whether to...