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Book Review: The Notebook (The Notebook #1), Nicholas Sparks

The Notebook

Title: The Notebook
Series: The Notebook #1
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Published: 2011, Sphere
Pages: 221
Source: Bought
Format: Paperback
Rating: 3.5/5
How far can love endure?
Noah Calhoun has just returned from World War Two. Attempting to escape the ghosts of battle, he tries to concentrate on restoring an old plantation home to its former flory. And yet he is haunted by images of the beautiful girl he met there fourteen years before, a girl who captured his heart like no other.
But when these distant memories begin to slide into reality, the passion that had lain still is ignited once more. Though so much is in their way, the miraculous force of their love refuses to fade.

Why don't I listen to people!?! I've had friends tell me that they bawled their eyes out when watching the film adaptation. I didn't think it would be that bad. I have never been so wrong in my life. So many tears and they just hit me like a freight train.

The Notebook has got to be one of the most emotional quick reads I have ever read. It's just so short! How can it have so much emotion packed in? It's just a simple(ish) and beautiful love story with no unnecessary subplots. The simplistic nature was actually quite refreshing.

There is so much raw emotion within The Notebook and it really does make the story feel all the more real. Noah and Allie's story can, unfortunately, happen to anyone and The Notebook is a beautiful insight into such a cruel disease.

The story is mainly told from Noah's perspective, with some snippets from both Allie's and, her fiance, Lon's perspectives. Unfortunately, I've never been in love so I couldn't relate to Noah and Allie too well. But that did not stop me feeling for them. I just prayed a miracle would happen.

I would say that the story was sort of predictable and it was never going to be a happy ending. I knew what I wanted to happen, but I wasn't too sure what Allie would choose and there's was a slight twist too. However, the ending was beautiful and very bittersweet.

The Notebook is a beautiful love story, but I wish I was able to connect more with the characters. I hear that the movie is really good (with some people saying it's better) so I can't wait to get my hands on that either. And of course, I'm getting the urge to read more Nicholas Sparks again now.

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  1. People are crazy about this movie and I've yet to look at either the book or the movie--maybe one day. Doesn't sound like something I must read. Thanks for the review!

    1. I admit it's not my favourite Nicholas Sparks book, there are loads better out there. But I am glad I decided to read it. I know so many people that absolutely love the movie too, so I do hope I'll watch it one day. I'd say if you see the opportunity read it, but don't go looking specifically for it.


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