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2016 Reading Challenges Update - March

Because Reading is better than reali life

The first Challenge I will be participating in is the 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge, hosted by Laura @ trips down imagination lane and Michelle @ Because Reading. The challenge runs from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016 and you can sign up here before 1st March 2016.

My 2016 resolutions are:

Bookish resolutions
  • Get Netgalley ratio up to 80%
    • January - 57%
    • February - 57%
    • March - 52% (This better start going up real soon!)
  • Read 20 physical books I already owned prior to 1st January
    • January - 2
    • February - 4
    • March - 8
  • Reread 5 books
    • January - 0
    • February - 2
    • March - 2
  • Finish 6 series
    • January - Finished/Up-to-date = 2
    • February - Finished/Up-to-date = 3
    • March - Finished/Up-to-date = 4
  • Reach my Goodreads goal this year (65 books)
    • January - 8
    • February - 14
    • March - 23
Blogging resolutions
  • Finish updating all blog posts to current layout
    • January - A few updated this month
    • February - All reviews updated! Just to update all other posts and make a few tweaks.
    • March - All Top Ten Tuesday posts tweaked.
  • Visit 4 blogs a week, so 16 a month (not including memes) (by visit I mean comment on)
    • January - 9 (Need to be better)
    • February - 12 (getting there)
    • March - 16 (I made it! Woo!)
  • Blog ahead - get to at least 6 weeks ahead
    • January - 2 weeks ahead (I think...)
    • February - 1 week ahead
    • March - 0 weeks ahead (Hopefully, I'll get a few scheduled next week...)
Personal resolutions
  • Start going to the gym again
    • January - I'm joining tomorrow...
    • February - On hold indefinitely... need to save money
    • March - Still on hold...
  • Start learning Spanish again
    • January - Haven't started yet...
    • February - Still haven't started....
    • March - Maybe next month...


The second challenge I will be participating in is the 2016 New Release Challenge hosted by Lexxie @ (Un)conventional Bookreviews and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My!. The aim of the challenge is to read as many books released in 2016 as possible. Sign up is open until 15th February 2016.

As this is my first year participating in this challenge and I'm wanting to read more books that I already own, I'm going to set my goal as New Release Pro so 16-30 books.

    Because Reading is better than real life

    The third challenge I want to participate in is the 2016 Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading. Sign up is open until 1st July 2016. I'm hoping this will help me reduce the number of physical books I have still to read.

    As this is also my first year participating in this challenge (and I don't know how well I'll do reading from a set list), I'm aiming for level 1 so 12 books and 1 book a month. These are the books I plan to read over the year:

    FangirlThe Other MeCity of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)The Rose Petal BeachThe Fault in Our StarsA Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes, #1)It's All About TreoBuster: The dog who saved a thousand livesThe Cuckoo's Calling (Cormoran Strike, #1)Our ZooThe DUFFA Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)
    1. January - Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell
    2. February - The Other Me, Saskia Sarginson
    3. March - City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), Cassandra Clare
    So after the first quarter, I have read 3 of my 12 books and made an A!

    The fourth, and final, challenge is the 2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge hosted by Evie @ Bookish Lifestyle. The aim is to read as many books (published in or before 2015) from your TBR as possible. Sign up is open until 31 November 2016.

    I'm going to set my goal at A Friendly Hug so 11 to 20 books.

    Follow me via GoodreadsFacebookTwitterBloglovin, and Pinterest.

    Feel free to leave a comment.


    1. I think a lot of people are having a hard time with the personal goals for Bookish Resolutions, I know I am failing at the moment but we still have time. My netgalley is going the wrong way too :)

      Congrats on your A! You are doing awesome. Good Luck with the next quarter :)

      1. The personal goals always seem to be the hardest goals to complete. Hopefully out Netgalley ratio's will start going up soon.

        Thanks so much!


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