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Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Love & Characters I Don't Get

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is the top ten characters everyone loves but I just don't get and characters I love but others seem to dislike. This is a tricky one this week so it's quite a short list.

Character's I just don't get (I have no idea if anyone actually loves these characters)

When Everything Feels Like the Movies
When Everything Feels Like the Movies, Raziel Reid
A lot of people seem to really like him ... I just find him to be one of the most disgusting, self-absorbed characters I have ever read about.

The Sister Pact
The Sister Pact, Stacie Ramey
Just her complete lack of respect for herself irritated me.

Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls
Delia and June
Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls, Lynn Weingarten
They just grated on my nerves.

Character's I love, but others dislike

The Heir (The Selection, #4)
The Heir (The Selection #4), Kiera Cass
She is a bit of a spoilt brat, but she really grew on me for some reason.

Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
She's completely off her rocker, but I just love her so much (strangely enough I also kinda hate her too)

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  1. OOOOH! Eadlyn definitely grew on me too! I read a few reviews before I got my hands on the books, and I was SUPER sad to see how everyone didn't like her. I guess that just made me try more. I can't believe it's going to get over, though. Sigh.

    Aditi @

    1. I know! I was pretty apprehensive going in, but considering her upbringing, I didn't think she was as bad as she could have been and she definitely improved.

  2. I have been putting off reading The Heir because I read a lot of reviews where the character Eadlyn is really hated. But if you say she does kind of grow on you, maybe I should give her another chance :)

    1. I was put off too, but just decided to go for it one day and I'm so glad I did.

  3. Eadlyn made a lot of hate lists this week, so much so that I was really dreading ever getting to that series!

    My TTT.

    1. I know! But I honestly don't find her that bad, she grows on you.

  4. Ahh, I don't recognise many of these...FAIL TO ME, I KNOW. XD But I have heard most people rant about The Heir and Eadlyn, and you've actually convinced me I need to bump it up my TBR. ;D I'm intrigued!!
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Aww, that always happens, I choose books nobody has heard of. I'm so glad I've convinced to bump The Heir up your TBR - I really hope you enjoy it now!

  5. I agree with you for Eadlyn! She was slightly spoiled, yes, but I really liked the way she challenged everything. She refused to let her gender dictate her choices!
    Erika @ Books, Stars, and the Pages in Between

    1. Yes, definitely. She sure kicks the guys into shape.

  6. I haven't read any of these so I don't know how I feel about any of them. I do have The Selection series so we shall see how I feel about those characters.

    1. I hope you get around, and enjoy, The Selection soon. They are such nice quick reads!

  7. I love Wuthering Heights, but I can't stand Catherine or Heathcliff - but they are fascinating. :)

    Check out my TTT.

    1. I absolutely understand why so many people hate them, and I think that I just really love to hate them so can't help but think fondly of Catherine... that made better sense in my head...


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