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Top Ten Tuesday: Books with a number in the title (14 September 2021)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is books with a number in the title.

Turns out I've not read 10 books with numbers in the title... so these last three are one's from my TBR.

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  1. Love how you combined newer releases with some Classics. Nice list!

    Happy TTT! Here's my 10 Agatha Christie books with numbers in the title

  2. Seven Letter Word looks good!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  3. I had One Day on my list the last time we did this topic, I hope you enjoy it more than I did.
    My TTT:

    1. Oh no! That doesn't sound good. I'm not sure when I'll get to it.

  4. Ooh, I came across One Was Lost at a used bookstore last month, couldn't' quite bring myself to shell out $8 for a one-time read...but I've been going nuts ever since hoping my library will order it! I love that cover, and thrillers/horror in the woods are my favorite kind of read for fall.

    Come to think of it, I saw '89 Walls there too, and it piqued my interest (but from Goodreads it sounds like it has more sexual content than I'm comfortable reading.)

    1. I hope you get the chance to read One Was Lost soon. It was really good!

      I enjoyed '89 Walls - it's been a while but I can't remember it being very explicit but I could be wrong.

  5. A Seven Letter Word looks really interesting! I'm definitely adding that to my TBR. I Am Number Four is on my list today too.
    My TTT

  6. I have not read any of these books. Buster: The Dog Who Saved a Thousand Lives, Will Barrow sounds good. My niece had a dog named Buster.

    1. Buster was a really good read. Not the best written, but definitely enjoyable.

  7. I almost forgot about I Am Number Four. I read that one so long ago. Great list!

    1. I only remembered it because I reread it recently and I'm trying to get through the series now.

  8. Such a variety of books on your list! I love it. I've read at least half of them. :)

  9. Great list! The only one on your list that I have read is 1984, and that was several years ago.

    When you get the opportunity, I hope you'll stop by my post:

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I read 1984, but I can't say I enjoyed it.

  10. A Seven Letter Word looks interesting! Here is my link if you want to stop by:

    1. A Seven Letter Word was really good. Something different!

  11. I really ought to get back to the sequel to A Thousand Pieces of You...

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

    1. I hope you get the chance to read it soon!


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