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The Sunday Post (5 September 2021)


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This is a two-week edition of the Sunday Post this week. I was so busy last week (read obsessed with watching Booktube...) that I completely forgot to post, then it was mid-week. I've sort of neglected my blog and I'm so behind on replying to comments but I'm going to work on it this week.

I've spent the past two weeks getting settled back into work after my annual leave. It's been very busy and now I can't wait for my next week off in mid-October.

I bought myself a Kindle Paperwhite as a late birthday treat to myself and I love it. It's my first Kindle and I had no idea they were so petite these days. It barely weighs a thing! My second birthday treat to myself is some new Billy bookcases from Ikea. Unfortunately, I have to wait until the beginning of October before I will have them in my possession. It seems they are in very high demand and I spent the past two weeks checking the Ikea website daily to check if they were back in stock. These will replace my current bookcases that I have owned for 20 years and will now match the rest of the furniture in my spare room/office.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

I'm just going to see what happens and post without a set schedule for now

What I Read Over the Last 2 Weeks

Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read This Week

Book Haul

I've been watching a LOT of Booktube the past few weeks. In fact, I blame Booktube for me forgetting to post last week. Booktubers I've been really enjoying are What India Read, Spoopyhol, Becca and the Books and Book Roast.

Currently Listening To

Today, I've been listening to a lot of old Girls Aloud songs following the heartbreaking news of Sarah Harding's death. 39 is just far too young, and it scares me that she was only 10 years older than me.  It's been a long time since I listened to Girls Aloud, but I was obsessed with them as a younger teen.

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Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Readjusting to work can be so tough. And congrats on the new bookshelves. I need to get some as well.

    Your books all look promising.

    1. It's so hard getting back into the swing of things. I can't wait until the bookcases arrive and I can reorganise everything.

  2. Oh my goodness. I wonder why the bookshelves are on such high demand right now? Maybe all the college kids heading off to the dorms?

    1. In the UK, bookcases are provided in dorms by universities, so I think it's more covid causing issues with supply. A lot of lorry fleets are having issues with being short of staff currently in the UK. We even have a milkshake shortage in McDonalds just now because of it!


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