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2017 Reading Challenges Sign Up

This year I've decided to only participate in two year-long challenges, as I found four a bit tough and I hope to join in on a few of the smaller challenges throughout the year. So the challenges, I will be participating in are as follows:


The first challenge I will be participating in is the 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge, hosted by Laura @ trips down imagination lane and Michelle @ Because Reading. The challenge runs from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 and you can sign up here before 1st March 2017.

My 2017 resolutions are:

Reading Goals:
  • Get my Netgalley ratio up to 80% and maintain
  • Reach a Goodreads goal of 75 books
  • Read 30 physical books I own
  • Read 10 Classics
  • Reread 5 books
  • Get my TBR under 400 books (starting point of 432 books)

Blogging Goals
  • Keep Review List page up to date
  • Comment on 12 blogs per month (excluding memes)
  • Blog ahead 6 weeks

Personal Goals
  • Get my own place
  • Lose half a stone 


The second challenge I want to participate in is the 2017 Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading. Sign up is open until 1st July 2017. I'm hoping this will help me reduce the number of physical books I have still to read.

This year I'm aiming for level 1 so 12 books and 1 book a month. These are the books I plan to read over the year:

Odd and the Frost GiantsQuidditch Through the Ages (Hogwarts Library)The Tales of Beedle the BardStatus Update (#gaymers, #1)
Misled (Carnal Thirst, #1)Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemOh Myyy!Coraline
William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace (William Shakespeare's Star Wars, #1)Peter PanThe Ocean at the End of the LaneCasino Royale (James Bond #1)

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovinInstagram and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I'm also trying to get my NetGalley percentage up to 80% too! Good luck on your goals!

    Here’s my Bookish Resolutions!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog


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