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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is five books I'm looking forward to in the first half of 2017. Only five because I'm rubbish at planning ahead when it come to new releases.

Carve the Mark (Untitled Duology, #1)
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  1. I'm so looking forward to Carve The Mark, Frostblood and King's Cage as well! I loved Warm Bodies, but I still have to read the sequel :)

    1. I'm currently reading Frostblood and it's really good so far. I've still to read The New Hunger too, but I'm definitely going to read it before The Burning World arrives.

  2. It's better, I think, to limit yourself sometimes!

    Here's my Top Ten!

    1. Haha! It definitely is, but when it comes to my TBR it's definitely doesn't have any limits.

  3. Ooh nice! I'm curious about Veronica Roth's new book too! And I need to read the second one to Victoria Aveyard still! Cannot wait for those! Great picks!

    Thanks for visiting my Tuesday post!

    1. I've still to read Glass Sword too, but I'm definitely hoping to read it soon.

  4. Kings Cage is high on my list ... Ahh I have so many books I want to read still from 2016 though... why is there never enough time lol

    1. I'm exactly the same! I included King's Cage on my list, but the truth is I've not even read Glass Sword yet!

  5. I have Frostblood on my list too, and I had a hard time finding books to put on my list. Unless it's a sequel I probably don't know about it.

    1. I'm the same! I really don't pay too much attention unless it's a sequel or an author I already know. However, I'm currently reading Frostblood and it is very good so far.

  6. I've completely missed anything about problematic representation, but I'll definitely keep an eye out now. Flawed is one of my favourites and I hope you give it a try soon.

  7. I like the sound of Perfect. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm hoping it's going to be as good if not better than Flawed which was almost perfection.

  8. Frostblood was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

    1. I've noticed Frostblood has been on a lot of lists this week.

  9. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's completely lost when it comes to new releases. It is actually funny because everytime I go to a bookshop I end up surprised to see that some books are already out, hahah.
    I'm very excited about Carve The Mark as well. I love the Divergent series by Veronica Roth and I'm intrigued to read more of her books, especially on a different genre.
    One of my most anticipated releases of 2016 is The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. He's the author of my all-time favorite book and I'm super excited to read more of him.
    Great list, Lauren!

    1. I feel so out of place sometimes, but I'm desperate to read all the books I already have before even looking at new releases. Some exceptions of course haha!
      I really want to see what Veronica Roth does with a new series too and can't wait.
      I've not hear of Benjamin Alire Saenz but I will definitely check him out.

  10. Frost Blood has showed up on a lot of lists today - It sounds great! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier, Lauren.

    1. I know! I didn't realise it was such a popular choice!

  11. Oh no! I forgot Carve the Mark!! I definitely want to read that one ASAP!

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I can't wait to see how Veronica Roth writes a different series.

  12. Frost Blood has me really curious and so does The Burning World. That one I'm not sure I've seen but I'll have to go check it out.

    1. I hope you do check them out! I'm actually currently reading Frostblood and it is so good!

  13. Love your choices! I'm eager to read the new Veronica Roth book as well, and King's Cage, especially after...well, that ending ahah :)

    1. Thanks! I really can't wait for the new Veronica Roth. Oh! I haven't actually read Glass Sword yet, I'm planning to next month so you have me very intrigued now!

  14. I had no idea that Warm Bodies already has a 3rd book! I didn't even know about the 2nd one. I remember thinking that it was never going to come out. I guess it fell off my radar. :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. I think the second one is more of a prequel, I haven't it yet but I'm definitely planning to before the third one comes out. I feel like I've been waiting ages! Warm Bodies is one of my favourites.

  15. I'm also totally behind on new releases- it's hard enough just keeping up with all of the books that came out this week, much less the next. I have also heard about the issues with Carve The Mark- but I will likely read it anyway.

    1. I'm so late on the uptake with new releases. I only hear about them if they're super hyped. I have to say I will probably read Carve the Mark anyway too.


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