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The Sunday Post (18 December)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

So, this week we had our big staff Christmas party at work. It was such a busy day, but great with a lot of prosecco. Our whole floor went out for lunch at a local Italian restaurant at it was lovely. We then went back to the office, but we didn't actually do any work. We just drank Prosecco and socialised with Christmas music on. And because I work at a University, the student Union put on a massive Christmas party for the staff, complete with karaoke, giant snow globes (to climb into) and Santa and his reindeer. I think everyone was there from the janitors to the Vice-Principals.

And, apart from that, I think I've had a fairly quiet week, though I didn't have much time for reading. I had lots of little things to do, such as helping my dad by Christmas present for my mum.

I will also be taking a week off the Sunday Post next week because it fall on Christmas Day and I will be super busy. However, I hope to have one posted on the 1st (if I'm not too hungover after Hogmanay...).

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Monday - ARC Review: Paper Butterflies, Lisa Heathfield
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Me
Thursday - Book Review: The Next Together (The Next Together #1), Lauren James

Around the Blogosphere

Lais @ harumansae books asks Are All Readers Also Writers?
Esther @ Chapter Adventures discusses Rereading: My TBR's Worst Nightmare.
Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction asks Should publishers do more to appreciate the work of book bloggers?

What I Read Last Week

Frostblood (Frostblood Saga, #1)The Secret Countess

Currently Reading

Anna KareninaThe Two-Night One-Night Stand

What I Plan to Read This Week

CrashSoul Crossed (Of Demons and Angels #1)

Book Haul

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. You had SUCH a great week--those giant snowglobes sound like SO much fun, I'd have loved to have a picture taken in one of them myself! That's so awesome that your university/school did that for you all, such a great way to honor and appreciate their staff!

    Wishing a very merry happy holidays to you and yours!

    Here's my Sunday Post, if you're interested in checking it out. No pressure or worries if you're not, though! Happy book-ing to you in the near future, and have a great week-to-come!

    1. The snowglobe was so much fun and it was very weird seeing everyone let loose in it. Yeah, it is fantastic way to thank the staff at the end of the year and everyone always has a great time.

  2. Soul Crossed sounds really interesting! I've been wanting to check out The Next Together for a while. I didn't even know that it was part of a series. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I've been meaning to read Soul Crossed for ages, so I'm glad I'm finally getting round to it. The Next Together is definitely worth a read. It's part of a duology, but there's also a novella too.

  3. Sounds like an awesome Christmas party, good way t spend a day at work.

    Frostblood looks great, can't wait to see some reviews of it, and Norse Mythology looks good too.

    Have a great holiday!

    1. It was a fantastic way to spend the day, and we got paid for it so that's an added bonus! Frostblood is fantastic! I absolutely loved it and it's definitely one of my favourite books now.

  4. Ooooh, NEIL GAIMAN!!! I really want to read Norse Mythology! I'm going to try to make a point to come back and look for your review on Frostblood. I'm really intrigued by that one!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. Norse Mythology will be my first Neil Gaiman, but I'm planning on reading a few of his next year. Frostbloo was so good! Definitely one of my favourites now.

  5. I'm planning a festive period full of reading, watching sport on TV, watching dvds and blogging ahead for the new year...along with extra food to keep me going!

    1. Sounds like you'll have a great Christmas! Mine is always really busy visiting family.

  6. I recently got Frostblood! Really need to read it soon. I also need to read The Next Together at some point.

    I hope you have a good Christmas!

    1. Frostblood is such an amazing book and I really hope you enjoy it! The Next Together is very good too, so enjoyable and I can't wait to read The Last Beginning.


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