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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Me

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is ten books I wouldn't mind Santa leaving under my tree.

How to Ditch Dead Guys (Under the Blood Moon, #2)

Scrappy Little Nobody


Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)


Pines (Wayward Pines, #1)

The Sign of Four (Sherlock Holmes, #2)

The Bourbon Thief

Dead Spots

A Wicked Thing (A Wicked Thing, #1)

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  1. Ooh Pines was pretty good, I read those last year after getting hooked on the TV show lol. the books were better. :) And illuminae of course everyone raves about but it is a pretty good read. Hope you get some books for Christmas!!

    1. That's great to hear you liked both books! I haven;t watched the Wayward Pines, but I did decide to give it a read after an ex-boyfriend said the show was good.

  2. Illuminae is on my wishlist as well! :) I'd love to receive Scrappy Little Nobody or A Wicked Thing as well though. Hope Santa will maybe leave some of those under your tree :)

    1. Illuminae is on quite a few lists this week! I hope so too, but I'll probably end up with gift cards instead.

  3. Illuminae's on my list too, and I'd love to read that Anna Kendrick book too :) Great list! Here's my TTT

    1. Illuminae is very popular this week! So is Anna Kendrick actually, but she's just so likeable!

  4. Wonderful list! Illuminae isn't on my list this week, but it probably should have been. That book is absolutely everywhere and I have been really wanting to read it. Bittersweet looks really good as well. I own it, but I haven't read it yet. I love Sarah Ockler, though, so I really need to get to it. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! :)

    My TTT!

    1. Illuminae is on so many lists this week. It really is everywhere. I haven't read Sarah Ockler before, so it's nice to hear you love her.

  5. I'm really intrigued by the Anna Kendrick book. I hope that you get some of these under your tree!

    1. Me too! I can't wait to read it. I hope I get a few under the tree too, but I'll probably end up with gift cards instead, so win-win.

  6. How to ditch Dead guys looks real interesting! ^^ And Sign of four is a favourite Sherlock story for me :) Great list! hope you get these books ^^

    1. Yeah, it does. I didn't actually expect to like the first one, but it was so much better than I expected. It's great to hear Sign of Four is a favourite - I've only read A Study in Scarlet so far.

  7. Great list!! I can't wait to read Scrappy Little Nobody, Anna Kendrick it looks great!!

  8. How to ditch dead guys looks really cool, I have the Anna Kendrick on my list too.
    I started listening to Pines via audio but never finished it. I need to watch the TV show too. I heard it's really good.
    Great list! I hope Santa stops by to read your list 🎅🏽
    My Top Ten Tuesday

    New follower to your lovely Blog 🎄

    1. Anna Kendrick is on quite a few lists this week. I didn't realise how popular her book is. I've still to watch the Pines TV show too.

  9. Scrappy Little Nobody looks good! I hope you get the books on your list.

    1. I can't wait to read it. Hopefully it's as fantastic as it sounds!

  10. Great list. I'd like to check out Scrappy Little Nobody although I don't love the title they chose for it.

    1. Thanks! I think a lot of people are going to be checking out Scrappy Little Nobody. It's becoming such a popular book.

  11. I really enjoyed Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, so Pines looks really intriguing....

    1. I've been seeing Dark Matter everywhere just now and I only recently realised it was the same author haha!

  12. Awesome list you have! I really need to read Illuminae!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Thanks! I just can't wait to read Illuminae either. Just need to get my hands on it first.

  13. Illuminae and Pines are pretty great! Plus, you can never go wrong with Doyle!

    1. That's great to hear! I can't wait to read either of them.


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