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Book Beginnings on Friday, The Friday 56 and Book Blogger Hop (20 August 2021)

Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted every Friday by Rose City Reader where you share the first sentence (or couple of sentences) from your current read. The Friday 56 is also hosted every Friday by Frida's Voice where you share a sentence or two from page 56 or 56% into your current read.

This week my Book Beginning and Friday 56 is from I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore.
"The door starts shaking."

Page 56:
"I have home economics after lunch - not because I necessarily care about cooking, but because it was either that or choir. And while I have many strengths and powers that are considered exceptional on Earth, singing is not one of them."

The Book Blogger Hop was created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and moved to Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer in February 2013. Each week starting on Friday there will be a prompt featuring a book-related question with the purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week's prompt, submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews is:

If you read a print book after reading a few e-books, do you find yourself tapping the bottom of the page so it will turn?

I don't think I've ever tapped the bottom of the page, but what I have tried quite a few times to do is tap on a word for its definition.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, and Instagram.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. This sounds good. I have seen this series around but don't think I've read it. I do have the DVD on my stack though. This week I am spotlighting a book from deep in my TBR pile - More Than Fiends by Maureen Child. Happy reading!

    1. It's quite good. This is a re-read to see if I do want to continue with the whole series or not.

  2. A book I haven't read yet but want to! Happy weekend!

    1. It's quite good! A nice easy read. I hope you get the chance to read it soon.

  3. I read the book several years ago and struck by two things. How exciting the story and how terrible the writing. Hope you are enjoying it nonetheless. My Friday quotes from the Tattooist of Auschwitz

    1. This is a re-read for me (last read 10 years ago) as I'm trying to remember if it's worth continuing in the series. I'm not sure because like you've said I'm struggling with the writing.

  4. Oh, by the way, the link you provided on the LINKY is bad It gets to your blog but not the post.

    1. Oh that's odd! I'm sure I entered the post link!

  5. Number Four sounds pretty good. I think if my choice was between home ec and Choir, it would be Home Economics too. At least you might get to eat something!

    Also, I just finished reading my first print book in quite a while after reading many ebooks on Kindle. I didn't tap at the bottom of the page to turn it, but I did keep trying to enlarge the print!

    1. I'm the same! Can't sing a single note, so I'd go for the food always. I've not tried to enlarge the print before, but I do struggle sometimes going back to physical if the print is particularly small.

  6. I've definitely never tapped a page to turn it on a print book - at least not yet. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. I'm more likely to do it if I'm tired so I take it as a sign to stop reading and go to sleep.


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