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Top Ten Tuesday: Book to Movies I Need to Watch

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is the top ten book to movies that I NEED to watch!
Insurgent (Divergent, #2)Insurgent (2015) Poster
Insurgent, Veronica Roth
Book / Movie

War HorseWar Horse (2011) Poster
War Horse, Michael Morpurgo
Book / Movie

DraculaDracula (1958) Poster
Dracula, Bram Stoker
Book / Movie

The Book ThiefThe Book Thief (2013) Poster
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
Book / Movie

The Time Traveler's WifeThe Time Traveller's Wife (2009) Poster
The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
Book / Movie

P.S. I Love YouP.S. I Love You (2007) Poster
P.S. I Love You, Cecelia Ahern
Book / Movie

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) Poster
Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
Book / Movie 1 / Movie 2

The HelpThe Help (2011) Poster
The Help, Kathryn Stockett
Book / Movie

The Hobbit, or There and Back AgainThe Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) Poster
The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
Book / Movie (Part 3)

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  1. I thought Insurgent was an okay movie, totally looking forward to Allegiant :) and The Help was very touching, just like the book. I also need to go and watch The Book Thief <3

    My Top Ten

    1. It hasn't been too long since I watched Divergent and I've been meaning to watch Allegiant ever since. I will get around to it! I loved The Help so fingers crossed I'll love the film.

  2. I haven't seen too terribly many of these, though I did like The Time Traveler's Wife and PS I Love You. Both are really sad though, so you have to be in the right mood for them! And then there is The Hobbit! That one was amazing, but also sad. I think I cried for most of the third movie in anticipation for its events.

    My TTT.

    1. I can just imagine the tear-fest that The Time Traveller's Wife and PS I Love You would be! I actually cried on the bus reading PS I Love You and it was so embarrassing.

  3. I really liked the WAR HORSE movie. It was very well done and it captured my attention. I did like P.S. I love you too. Great list!

    My TTT-

    1. I've heard so many people say the exact same about War Horse. I was just never interested until I read the book earlier in the year.

  4. PS I Love You was such a cute movie. I also really enjoyed The Help. I haven't read either book, and I usually prefer to pick up the book before watching the movie, so I don't know that I will. Great list though.

    1. That's great to hear that you enjoyed them both! It just makes me want to watch them more.

  5. I loved just about every movie on this list (with the exception of the ones that haven't come out yet) and War Horse which I haven't seen.
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. That's great to hear and makes me more eager to watch them too!

  6. I also haven't had a chance to watch some ideas. Good Spin on the topic. Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

  7. The Book Thief movie was very good. I watched it this summer with my 10-year-old and she loved it. It was very well done. My TTT

    1. That's great to hear! I really do want to watch it now that I'm hearing so many good things about it. Maybe over Christmas.

  8. I am super excited for so many of these!! Especially Fantastic Beasts!! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I think everyone is excited for Fantastic Beasts! It's on almost ever list this week.

  9. Great list! The Time Traveler's Wife is one of my favorite books, but I didn't care for the film. I think I would have liked it more if I'd seen it before reading the book. Too much I liked was cut out.

    1. That doesn't sound too good, but it has been years since I last read it so I've probably forgotten a lot of the details.


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