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Book Beginnings, the Friday 56 and Feature and Follow (24 April)

Book Beginnings is a meme hosted every Friday by Rose City Reader where you share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.  Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

My Book Beginning is from Dracula by Bram Stoker:
"3 May. Bistritz.  - Left Munich at 8.35 p.m. on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6.46, but train was an hour late."

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted every Friday by Freda's Voice.
The Rules:
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
 *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url.
*It's that simple.

My Friday 56 is also from page 56 of Dracula by Bram Stoker:
"Here I am, who will be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day, not a real proposal, and today I have had three.  Just fancy!  THREE proposals in one day!"

Increase Blog Followers
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

The featured blogs this week are Mountain Rhinestones and Book Yabber.

bloglovinGFCThis week’s Question:
How did you come up with your blog title and address?  Does it have a special meaning to you?

To be honest, I just kind of staring at my bookcases  (that actually sounds kinda sad...) and noticed how much fuller they were compared to the same time last year.  And my collection will most definitely continue to grow... so yeah that's where my blog name came from.  It doesn't really sound that exciting apart from the idea of getting new books.

 Follow me via GoodreadsFacebookBloglovin and Pinterest (though I’m not very good at using it) and also via email to

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I really like your blog title. My bookshelves have gotten a lot fuller over the last few years, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I wanted my blog title to simply say what it was. Lisa Ks Book Reviews. I wish now that I had added Cozy Mystery into the title since that is all I review for the blog. My address has bookthoughts in it. That was the orginal name of my blog when I was still learning. But I switched it and sadly, the addy and name don't match now.

    1. Aww, that's a bit gutting for you that they don't match now. But your name is simple and easy to remember.

  3. Lol. It's such a funny and relate-able sad story how you came up with your blog name. Sometimes, I stare at my growing bookshelf too for no particular reason.

    New follower via GFC!

    Cee @ The Mistress Case

    1. Yeah, I always spend more time staring when I add a new book in too haha!
      Thanks for visiting and following!

  4. Good blog title. My shelf would fit the title as well lol Dracula is a book I've always wanted to read but haven't gotten around to yet. I'll have to move it up on my TBR as you intrigued me with page 56's blurb.

    1. Aww thank you. I'm really enjoying Dracula, the description is just beautiful.

  5. Although I've seen many of the Dracula movies, I've never actually read the book. Hope you're enjoying the story.
    My Friday post features SOMETHING ABOUT MAUDY.

    1. I haven't watched any of the Dracula movies yet but I hope to watch a few of Christopher Lee's movies.
      Thanks for visiting!

  6. I like your blog name. And there's nothing wrong with staring at your bookshelves!

    My FF:

    Old follower.

    1. Haha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that stares at bookshelves.

  7. Great title and it's always going to be relevant as your shelf will always be ever expanding (I hope!) Happy FF! New bloglovin follower.

    1. Yes, I hope to have a whole room of books.. once I get my own place...
      Thanks for following!

  8. You can never go wrong with Dracula!

    Check out my 56 (with Book Beginnings).

    1. Yes, I'm enjoying it so far!
      Thanks for visiting :)

  9. I've not read Dracula and now I am wondering who got three proposals in one day. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. It's really good and the descriptions are beautiful.

  10. I started reading this one years ago and set it aside. Then I go back, and set aside. It's a cycle and one day I hope to finish it. Honestly, I think having seen the movie ruined it for me.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Aww, I'm kind of glad I haven't seen any of the movies yet. I do plan to at some point though, I just wanted to read it first!

  11. Fun story behind your blog name. I now I wanted something different and the one I chose had been taken so I played with the spelling and came up with the one I have now.
    I should reread Dracula. I've probably forgot more than I remember.

    My 56 -

    1. Thank you. I wanted something different too but also wanted it to be easy to remember.
      Really enjoying Dracula too!
      Thanks for visiting.

  12. I haven't ever read Dracula. I found the snippets you posted interesting. Happy reading!

    1. It is really good, the description is beautiful and it is definitely one I will be recommending to everyone.

  13. That's a great blog title. I had a hard time coming up with a name for mine. Thank you for stopping by.
    Old follower

  14. Ooooooo....Dracula. ENJOY!!!

    I read Dracula a LONG time ago. :)

    Have a great reading weekend. Thanks for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. Yeah, I'm enjoying it. I'm finding the descriptions particularly amazing!

  15. Getting new books is exciting enough! I can relate. Each time I move I realize I have WAY more books than last time. :) Great name!

    Old follower!
    Vicarious Caytastrophe

    1. I haven't had to move house yet, but I'm hoping to within the year. I'm dreading organising all my books for moving thought.
      Thanks for visiting :)

  16. I like your blog title, having an expanding bookshelf is true for most readers and think it fits perfectly! Also great snippets from Dracula, it is a fantastic book, I should revisit it myself.

    1. Thanks, it's actually amazing how seeing how much my bookshelf has expanded in the last month alone! Kinda scary in a way!
      Thanks for visiting!


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