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Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I'd Love to Check in With

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.  This week's topic is the top ten characters you'd like to check in with.  I really struggled with this one, my brain just went blank and I couldn't really think of anyone besides pretty obvious choices.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I would really like to see what Charlie's life was like after everything came to light.
I just want to know how their life turned out after... say 100 years from the end of Breaking Dawn.  Was it really the rosy, happy ending that is portrayed in the book where everything is perfect.

Warm Bodies
I know there is going to be a sequel but I really can't wait to know what happens next and how their lives pan out!

The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1)
All The Lord of the Rings characters
It would be really interesting to find out what life was like after the ring was destroyed.

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  1. I totally forgot about Charlie when I was making my list, but yeah, would be great to see how he is doing.

    1. I think it's just because I recently read The Perks of Being a Wallflower again that I included him. The story is still in my mind.
      Thanks for visiting.

  2. I read the Twilight series and enjoyed it, but at the time, it was enough for me. Now that it's been a few years, though, I agree, I'd like to know what Bella and the gang are up to!
    Today I'm featuring The Boston Girl by Anita Diamond.

    1. Yeah, I was the same. But now I kinda want to find out more about them, especially Renesmee. I wonder if she caused her parents any trouble when she was a teen?
      Thanks for visiting.

  3. Twilight is the series that got me reading YA so yes, I'd like to read more about those characters.

    Interesting teaser. Why did they abandon her?

    My TT -

    1. I just want to find out more because it ending suggested that everything was perfect for evermore. I want to see that it wasn't so perfect, just little things like maybe Renesmee being a bit of a troublesome teen or something.
      I'm not too sure about The Tears of the Unicorns yet but we'll see how it goes.

  4. I also struggled with my top ten list this week. The Harry Potter characters made my list. So did Charlie (I love him). I forgot about R and Julie. I’d like to know what they’re up to.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm seeing so many characters on everyone's list that I forgot about too. I think I just spent too long trying to think of characters that it just turned my mind to mush.

  5. R and Julie!! Good one!! I totally forgot about Charlie, too. I'd love to check in on him. Harry Potter and the Twilight crew made mine, too. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. I think it's just because I recently reread both Warm Bodies and The Perks of Being a Wallflower that I remembered them both. It would be so nice to see how Charlie progressed through high school.

  6. I totally forgot about Twilight, but I would love to see how Jacob and Renesmee get along.

    1. Yeah, I kinda really want to see Renesmee giving Edward and Bella a bit of grief whilst a teenager.

  7. I would love to have seen Edward dump Bella and run off with just about anyone...including Jacob. But please don't think I am an Edward fan because almost everyone in that book drove me nuts..except Alice. Yeah, let's see what happened with Alice?

    1. Haha, it would be nice to see what happened to Alice. I just hope that Renesmee gave Edward and Bella lots of trouble whilst a teenager.

  8. Yes to the HP characters, Charlie, and the LOTR characters. I'd like to know how all of them are doing. And while I could care less about Eddie and Bella, I'd love to know how Jake and the pack are making it.

    1. I'd like to know how Jake would be getting on too but he would probably be tied in quite a bit with Edward and Bella due to Renesmee.

  9. Sounds pretty horrible for her in the teaser, abandoned by those she probably cared for. Your Top Ten are interesting too. I only do the teaser. Mine this week is from a memoir Under Magnolia by Frances Mayes

    1. Yeah it does sound horrible. I'm not too sure about this book though..

  10. Yes to all of the characters on your Top Ten list! If only it was possible to check in on them. :-) Thanks for sharing!

  11. I know! I'd love to check in on characters every now and then. Thanks for visiting :)


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