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Book Review: Gone Wild, Jodi Lundgren

Gone Wild

Title: Gone Wild
Author: Jodi Lundgren
Published: 01/09/2016, Lorimer
Pages: 176
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 2/5
Bullied in foster care and then by his adoptive mother's boyfriend, Seth decided to head out on his own. Brooke thinks she might be pregnant, and instead of facing her controlling mother, she runs. The strangers meet in a wilderness park on Vancouver Island where basic survival is a challenge. As they work together to find food, water, and shelter, they find the strength to take control of their own lives.

Gone Wild is a nice enough read for its size. It's also a very quick read. But I feel there could have been so much more to the story.

Gone Wild is set in what I can only describe as a nature reserve. An odd location for teen runaways if you ask me, but I don't know Vancouver Island. I'm not too sure how it relates to Seth and Brooke, but at least Brooke has hiking experience.

I'm not sure how I feel about Seth. He's pretty unrelatable (to me anyway) and quite immature. I can sort of understand his reasons for running away, but at the same time, there are better ways to deal with the problems he was having.

I did sort of like Brooke. She's quite rebellious and knows what she wants which I quite liked. However, her rebellious streak did make her quite immature at times and, like Seth, she makes some questionable choices.

The story is told from the alternating perspectives of Seth and Brooke which is great in helping the reader understand why they run away. And the story isn't too predictable, but there were a few odd twists added to the mix. The story doesn't end quite how I expected it to, but it was still a nice ending. I just wish Brooke's story was tied up a bit more.

Gone Wild is a fast read to the extent that I wish there was a bit more detail to the story. It's not a book I would go out of my way to recommend as I've read better books about teen runaways. But if you're looking for a YA book with no romance then maybe give it a go.

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