Title: Forever
Author: Judy Blume
Published: 01/04/2015, MacMillan Children's Books
Pages: 208
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 2/5
Do you remember the first time?
Author: Judy Blume
Published: 01/04/2015, MacMillan Children's Books
Pages: 208
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 2/5
Do you remember the first time?
Forever is still the bravest, freshest, fruitiest and most honest account of first love, first sex and first heartbreak ever written for teens. It was a book ahead of its time - and remains, after forty years in print, a teenage bestseller from the award-winning Judy Blume.
With a gorgeous cover, Forever is a teen classic ripe for a new generation of readers.
Forever was an okay read. It didn't exactly have me turning the pages and it was a bit slow for me, but I can definitely understand why this is such a ground-breaking book. Especially when it was released back in the 70's. I can definitely praise this book for that.
The characters were okay, but they were a bit cheesy. I mean some of the dialogue is just cringe-worthy. But I didn't really find them that memorable and I don't think I really got to know them. I do like that Katherine and Michael were fairly sensible though and waited to have sex until they were both ready. Even if Michael was a bit pushy at times.
The story is told from Katherine's perspective and to be honestly I don't think it flowed too well. As I said, the dialogue is super cheesy and there is next to no description. At times it was like reading a play (he said, she said, he said...).
Forever isn't too predictable, but I wasn't mind-blown by any of the twists. However, there were some fantastic issues raised throughout the story including teenage sex, teenage pregnancy, suicide etc. All issues that are great for a YA book to highlight.
Forever is an okay read, just not for me. Perhaps I'm now too old to fully enjoy it, but I would still definitely recommend Forever to younger teens. I feel this is a story that would help a lot of girls.
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