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Book Review: One Was Lost, Natalie D. Richards

One Was Lost

Title: One Was Lost
Author: Natalie D. Richards
Published: 04/10/2016, Sourcebooks Fire
Pages: 320
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 4/5
Damaged. Deceptive. Dangerous. Darling. Are they labels or a warning? The answer could cost Sera everything.
Murder, justice, and revenge were so not a part of the plan when Sera set out on her senior camping trip. After all, hiking through the woods is supposed to be safe and uneventful.
Then one morning the group wakes up groggy, confused, and with words scrawled on their wrists: Damaged. Deceptive. Dangerous. Darling. Their supplies? Destroyed. Hald their group? Gone. Their chaperone? Unconscious. Worst of all, they find four dolls acting out a murder - dolls dressed just like them.
Suddenly it's clear' they're being hunted. And with the only positive word on her wrist, Sera falls under suspicion...

One Was Lost is a terrifyingly brilliant mystery that had me hooked from the beginning. It was a very quick read as even though it creeped me out I just couldn't put this book down!

One Was Lost is set around a group of high school seniors that go on a hiking trip with their teachers in the woods. Does this sound like it's going to end well? No, it doesn't! And I must say this book actually had me scared! I totally regret reading it at night.

The characters are all likable, but I feel that I didn't really know them as well as I wanted to. However, I loved that the characters were a group of kids that don't usually hang around with each other at school. This just ramped up the tension and unease as they don't know who to trust. Suspicion is at an all-time high throughout.

Out of the four main characters, One Was Lost is told solely from the point of view of Sera. This in itself increases the number of suspects as Sera herself doesn't know who to trust. It also meant the story was pretty unpredictable. The culprit actually took me by surprise. I was totally wrong with my guesses!

One Was Lost definitely has its fair share of slower sections to the plot, but for the majority of the story, I was literally on the edge of my seat. Although the plot could have veered towards being too far-fetched, I felt that the author kept the story fairly logical.

There are so many twists to One Was Lost and I just loved this. It keeps the reader interested. I needed to know that Sera and the others were going to be okay. And the story tied up fairly nicely with all plot points wrapped up.

One Was Lost is a brilliantly good thriller and I just wish I could have known the characters better. However, One Was Lost definitely keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. I would highly recommend One Was Lost to anyone looking for a suspenseful thriller.

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  1. Great review! I agree with you on this re: not knowing the characters. The "romance" focus was off, too.

    my review

    1. Thank you so much for visiting! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the romance and characters were a bit off. Off to check out your review now :)


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