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Book Beginnings on Friday and the Friday 56 (9 July 2021)

Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted every Friday by Rose City Reader where you share the first sentence (or couple of sentences) from your current read. The Friday 56 is also hosted every Friday by Frida's Voice where you share a sentence or two from page 56 or 56% into your current read.

This week by Book Beginning and Friday 56 is from My Outdoor Life by Ray Mears.
"Do you remember a time before Google, a time when computers were huge and mysterious, and encyclopedias were the best - and one of the only - sources of reference we had? I remember that time in my life vividly - the analogue age, you might call it."

Page 56:
"I remember one survival course I did where I'd get up each morning and pick mushrooms that I'd cook for breakfast. The instructors were horrified. They had no idea which ones were poisonous and which ones weren't, and consequently thought I didn't either."

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  1. Sounds like an interesting read.

  2. I do slightly miss the pre-computer times because the days felt endless and calmer, but maybe that's also cause I had no responsibilities yet! And I always wish I knew more about foraging, it's such a useful skill to have! I hope you have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. I must admit I barely remember pre-computer times. They became pretty mainstream when I was in Primary School and we got our first family PC when I was 8. I love hearing about it from those who do remember though.

  3. I love the excerpts, and the opening lines took me back in time. Here's mine: “KILL ALL YOUR DARLINGS”

    1. Glad you enjoyed them and that they transported you back!

  4. Encyclopedias are still the best! Sounds like a great read!! Happy weekend!

    1. It's such an interesting read. Ray's stories are just so fascinating.

  5. This sounds so interesting. That beginning really took me back in time. The memories! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

    1. It looks like it's making a lot of people reminisce today. Glad you liked it!

  6. What an interesting read. My students never believe me when I describe doing research papers on index cards so I could shuffle the ideas around.

    1. If I'm honest, it also slightly baffles me how people wrote papers in pre-computer times. It really must have taken some skill!

  7. The excerpts you shared make me nostalgic for that simpler time.

  8. I love that Friday56. It made me chuckle. I bet he does know the difference. Haha. My family had a set of encyclopedias that I used throughout my childhood. I used to love looking things up in them. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! It always amazes me how people always assume that someone doesn't know something if they don't know it.

  9. The other night my husband's Amazon Fire wasn't charged. The extension cord didn't reach the bed. He sighed as he plugged it in across the room, saying "I guess I'll have to go analog tonight" as he picked up a book, a print book. Ha! My Friday Quotes are here

  10. I barely barely remember that time...

    1. I'm the same! Computers have been in my life almost as long as I can remember.

  11. A very different read for sure. Some of us don't want to admit we remember when Google didn't exist, LOL.

    1. Yeah, very different, but very interesting. I can just barely remember the time before Google.


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