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The Sunday Post (18 July 2021)


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Another quiet week this week. It's been really nice weather here so I've spent a lot of time in the garden trying to tidy it up a bit. I went to the pub quiz with my dad again and we got 25/40. I also spent Saturday babysitting my baby nephew. We had a lot of fun going to the park, watching motorbikes and reading his books.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

I'm just going to post as and when I can for the moment.

What I Read Last Week

Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read This Week

Book Haul

Currently Watching

The Italian Job was on TV last Sunday. My dad used to watch this all the time when I was growing up, so I felt I had to give it another watch.

Currently Listening To

My nephew loves Harry Styles so I've spent a lot of time listening to him this weekend and watching the videos. He particularly likes the fish in the Adore You video.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, and Instagram.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Glad you had fun with your nephew! The George Takei book sounds good. He's so funny. Enjoy your week!

    1. We had such a fab day! George Takei is so witty isn't he? I can't wait to get to that book.

  2. Pub quizzes are fun! and you guys did pretty good!!!

    1. They're so much fun, and the people that go to this one are the same each week so it's always a laugh. We're actually getting better at it too!

  3. The Handmaid's Tale - such a good dystopian novel. Love that Adore You video. Happy reading.

    1. I'm not sure if enjoying it is the right word to use, but I'm definitely finding I can't put The Handmaid's Tale down. The Adore You video is just so fabulously strange - I love it!

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I always used to enjoy watching my nephews. (Of course they are 22 and 25 now so that was years ago. LOL) I like that song by Harry Styles.

    1. It was such a nice weekend, and I loved getting the one-to-one time with my nephew. With various lockdowns, it's not something we had managed before.

  5. Quiet weeks are good and I love pub quizzes!
    Fingers crossed this week is another good one.

    1. I agree! They're so nice. And pub quizzes are so much fun. I love learning the random facts.

  6. I believe I have one of George Takei's other books on my Kindle, but I cannot recall the title.

    1. I've started this one, and it's quite good. All I can hear is his voice in my head though.


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