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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read in One Sitting (20 July 2021)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is books I can read in one sitting. I've taken this as books that I've managed to read in a day rather than a single sitting and I've managed this with a few books, but these are ones that I definitely remember not taking long with.

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  1. I found The Selection a super quick read too! I didn't enjoy it that much, but I read it in a single sitting.
    Cora |

    1. I definitely enjoyed The Selection the first time I read it, but I reread it last year and didn't like it as much as I thought I did.

  2. Ah The Selection brings back fond memories. Happy reading! My TTT

    1. I know! I remember really liking it back in the day, unfortunately I wasn't as big a fan when I reread last year though.

  3. Ahhh twilight, yes that should have been on my list, I did read that one super quickly. I also loved Animal Farm, so clever! My TTT:

    1. I remember I couldn't put Twilight down and did end up rereading as soon as I finished my first read.

  4. Since I just read 1984, Animal Farm did catch my eye. I'm adding it to my TBR!

    1. I've not read 1984, but hopefully I'll get round to it soon. It's been in my bookcase for years!

  5. I read it in two sittings but Perks was also a very short read for me.
    My TTT:

  6. Warm Bodies was soo good. The proceeding books went darker for some reason.

    1. I love Warm Bodies so much. But just didn't enjoy the rest of the series nearly as much. I definitely prefer the humour of the first.

  7. Great list of books!

    If you get the chance, here's my TTT post:

  8. I remember Twilight was unputdownable. So was Animal Farm!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list!

    1. Yeah, I remember being borderline obsessed with Twilight when I read it haha!

  9. Great list! I remember getting through Animal Farm really quickly. And of course, Twilight is perfect for nonstop reading!

    1. Animal Farm was a much quicker read than I remembered from my school days. And Twilight is always great when I want a quick read.

  10. I've read very few vampire novels in my life, but I did race through TWILIGHT when it came out. It was definitely engrossing!

    Happy TTT!


    1. I'm the same, haven't read too many vampire books, but I read Twilight so quickly and repeatedly when it came out.

  11. I did not put Twilight on my list but I devoured that series! Thanks for sharing. Here is my list:

    1. The whole series was just such a quick read.


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