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Book Beginnings on Friday, The Friday 56 and Book Blogger Hop (23 July 2021)


Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted every Friday by Rose City Reader where you share the first sentence (or couple of sentences) from your current read. The Friday 56 is also hosted every Friday by Frida's Voice where you share a sentence or two from page 56 or 56% into your current read.

"How in the world did a common, everyday exclamation come to be so associated with me? "Oh My!" truly has become my signature."

Page 56:
"As we approached $100,000 I told the fans that I would do something special if we got there: my "Happy Dance" - something normally Brad only gets the privilege of seeing."

The Book Blogger Hop was created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and moved to Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer in February 2013. Each week starting on Friday there will be a prompt featuring a book-related question with the purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week's prompt, submitted by Julie @ Stepping Stones Book Reviews, is:

Have you ever done the classics club challenge? If not, would you want to?

I haven't officially taken part yet. I've been swithering over joining in. I do have my own list of classics that I would like to read written in a notebook that I'm working my way through. As I've only recently re-started blogging, I might wait a few months (or until the New Year) to start joining in on the long-term challenges again.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, and Instagram.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I need your book in my life, LOVE Takai! Happy weekend!

    1. It's actually pretty good! Focuses a lot on his use of Twitter and Facebook though.

  2. Now that I've heard about The Classics Club, I'm thinking of signing up in January!! Might be a nice start to the New Year :)

    1. Yeah, I think it would be quite interesting to start it officially in the new year.

  3. I associate "oh my" with Fifty Shades of Grey. Yikes! Very glad to hear there is a much better book and person behind the expression.

    Thanks for visiting us earlier!

    1. I can't remember "oh my" being in Fifty Shades, however, it has been a long time since I went near those books! It's very interesting reading about George's take on Twitter and Facebook.

  4. This sounds so fun! And I could totally "hear" him in those snippets. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

    1. I know what you mean! I'm about 30% into it now and all I can hear is his voice.

  5. HI! This sounds a lot of fun! I don't know much about him but I'd love to find out more! Yeah I know I'm late! lol THere is my Friday56, although very late, just in case you're still playing!

    1. It was really interesting learning about him and how he used Facebook back in the day.


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