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Top Ten Tuesday: Covers that made me want to read/buy a book (3 August 2021)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is titles/covers that made me want to read/buy a book. I've gone with covers that caught my eye.

I was browsing books in Tesco and the pink/white block colour scheme just caught my eye so it went straight into the trolley. 

I read Watership Down as an early-teen and remember loving it, so when I saw this absolutely stunning edition of it in Waterstones I just had to pick it up.

Okay, not quite the cover but I saw a billboard for this book in a train station and it caught my eye. So I bought the book before checking what it was even about. Worked out well because I really enjoyed it.

When I was 14 and going on holiday with my parents they said I could choose one book in the airport WHSmith. I chose this purely for the dog on the cover.

Pretty much as above, dog on the cover.

See above... yes I'm predictable... (Also I love the surname Heyhoe...)

I was just drawn to this cover... I'm not sure what it was about it.

Okay, so yeah this is the movie-tie in cover... but I was a teenager... and spotted Alex Pettyfer on the shelf in Tesco so naturally, I bought it haha!

Similar to the dogs, really. I love learning about dinosaurs and this was on one of those featured books tables in Waterstones and it just caught the corner of my eye.

This isn't quite the cover of my edition, I couldn't find it on Goodreads (the lettering is a different font and black). But it was really a very similar story as above, I spotted it on a table in Waterstones and dinosaurs.

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  1. When I was a kid/young teen I definitely would pick up books just because there was a cute animal on the cover!
    My TTT.

    1. I'm still picking up books for the animals. I do go to Goodreads to check it out before buying most of the time now though.

  2. Great list. I'm also a sucker for a book with a dog/cat/animal on the cover!

  3. Great choices! Dogs and dinosaurs will always make me look twice at a book. And I loved Anna Dressed in Blood. :D

    1. Glad to see I'm not the only one whose a fan of dogs and dinos! Anna is such a good book, it's been years since I read it so might need to try to reread soon.

  4. Great list of books!

    When you get the chance, I hope you come over and check out my post:

  5. Buying a book because it has a dog on the cover....someone after my own heart!
    My TTT:

  6. I've never seen that cover for WATERSHIP DOWN. I like it a lot better than the one on the paperback I have.

    Happy TTT!


    1. It's probably the prettiest cover I have. I'm hesitant to read it as I don't want it to get dirty/damaged.

  7. I love the cover for Fangirl! Also really like that cover for Watership Down

    1. Fangirl is just so eye-catching and I adore the Watership Down cover.

  8. Might have to try those dinosaur books!

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. I hope you get to check them out. I still have to read them, but I'm hoping soon!

  9. I'm a sucker for dogs too! Great picks!

  10. I'm such a sucker for dogs on covers so almost all of these covers are calling to me. :)

    1. Nice to see I'm not alone! Dogs always catch my eye in the bookshop.


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