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The Sunday Post (1 August 2021)


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This week was an odd one. I had Jury Duty and ended up being chosen as a substitute juror. So on Tuesday, I had to go to a cinema in the nearest city as jurors are being video-linked into court proceedings to maintain social distance. It was very weird going into "court" to movie theme songs. I wasn't needed past the initial introduction of the case due to being a substitute so I did get to leave again just before lunchtime. However, I have had to be accessible by phone to them most of the week.

I also continued to spend a lot of time painting outside again. I have a lot of fencing that needs to be done badly and my garage and shed also need touching up. It's taking forever, but at least I'm getting to fire through my audiobook at the same time.

On Thursday, I went to the weekly pub quiz with my parents and we got 24.5/40 which wasn't too bad. There were a lot of tricky questions this week.

Now I have a question for everyone - how do you follow other blogs? Before I went on my hiatus back in 2018 I used Bloglovin, but now I'm finding it just so unpredictable! Half the time I get a message to say the servers are too busy. So any advice for what you do would be fab, because I really want to get back into hopping around everyone's blogs again.

I've also attempted a new follow by email provider as I've noticed that Feedburner is another thing that is being discontinued. I'm starting to wonder if it will be easier to just try and move my blog over to a free WordPress blog (not sure if I'm quite at the stage where I want to self-host) as more and more things become discontinued on Blogger. Has anyone done this and how easy did you find it?

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

I'm just going to post as and when I can for the moment.

What I Read Last Week

Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read This Week

Book Haul

Nothing this week. 

Currently Watching

I'm still in my binge-watch of The Handmaid's Tale. At the time of writing this I' away to start season 3 which isn't bad when I only start watching it a week past Friday. It's safe to say I'm completely hooked"

Currently Listening To

This links into my binge-watch of The Handmaid's Tale. I've had This Woman's Work by Kate Bush stick in my head ever since that episode. I was bawling my eyes out watching it and it's such a beautiful song.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, Instagram and Email.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. That is indeed an odd jury duty experience!

    I use Feedly to follow blogs. Its great!

    1. It was so odd! I've had a look at Feedly, but wasn't keen on the idea that you're limited to 100 blogs to follow (unless I've picked that up wrong).

  2. I use Feedly or the WP reader to follow blogs. When I first started my blog in 2012, I was on blogger, then moved to free WP - which wasn't really easy. I use self hosted WP now, and am happy with that.
    It sounds like your jury duty was very different from what you'd expect. I'm glad you only had to be available by phone after the initial morning.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    1. I do have a WP account so I might try transferring everything over to WP reader to see how I like it. I'd love to go self-hosted, but I just don't know if I can afford it...
      Jury duty was so strange, but it was quite nice that I only had to be available by phone as it meant I could still be working.

  3. I use the reader for most of my blog following. I found I can also follow non-wordpress blogs on it as well. I've used feedly and blogloving, but, I'm not as consistent with those. I have not watched The Handmaids Tale yet, but want to start it eventually. I've heard so many good things about it.

    1. That's good to hear that non-WordPress blogs can be followed on WordPress reader! I do have a WordPress account so might transfer all my followed blogs over to see what I think. I've been recommending The Handmaid's Tale to everyone that I've been speaking to. I definitely up there with my favourite TV shows now.

  4. That is weird! Covid makes everything so screwed up now lol.

    I am not good at following blogs in any organized manner lol. I just blog hop as much as I can, I used to use Bloglovin but honestly I hardly ever check it now. That's not much help I know. :) I really need tobe more organized!

    1. I'm kind of disappointed I didn't get the normal jury experience, but it was definitely interested nonetheless. I definitely try to blog hop too, but it's just finding the time. I like to have somewhere I can just browse posts and click on ones that interest me.

  5. I adore The Monster Collection, it's such a great set of stories and narrators! Also, Jury Duty in the cinema sounds like a very odd experience! 'This Woman's Work' is one of my favourite songs, whether I want to feel inspired or have a cry, it always does the trick. I hope you have a lovely week of painting and audio books :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. The Monster Collection is so good! I can definitely see myself listening to it over and over again. Jury Duty was very strange. I never expected that to be first first experience back in the cinema after re-opening. This Woman's Work is such a beautiful song! It's definitely been added to my playlists now.

  6. What an innovative way to have a Covid safe jury.
    I use Feedly to follow blogs, I don’t do email subscriptions, my inbox is full enough already, and I find the WP one a bit buggy.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. It's so clever! And works really well.
      It looks like a few people use Feedly so I'll need to take a look. I don't like email subscriptions either because I get far too many from my blog account, my personal account and my work account already.

  7. Hi Lauren. I'm almost 50 and haven't ever been called up for jury duty so can't comment on your experience but I expect COVID has caused quite a few procedural changes.
    I was and now self-hosting. I get weekly digest emails from my favourite blogs that I follow and use WP Reader for every one else.
    I know that Blogger is in danger of losing blogs if they don't sort it out soon.

    1. Jury duty was very different to how my dad described it. He sat on one a few years back (and he kind of loved it). I think I might try out WP Reader as I do have a WP account already. I don't now if I could go with emails as I get so many already.
      Blogger really needs to sort themselves out so much.

  8. Well that had to be strange - reporting for jury duty at the movie theater.
    Bloglovin has been buggy lately but I still stick with it.
    I love that Kate Bush song. It was used in a movie back in the 80's (She's Having a Baby) and that's when I first heard it.

    1. It was so strange! I'm in too minds whether to stick with Bloglovin or not. It's been irritating me so much recently. It's such a gorgeous song! Definitely been added to my playlists.

  9. That sure sounds like an unique experience to have jury duty in a cinema. All that painting sure sounds like a good activity to get through some audiobooks. As for following other blogs, I kinda do a weird mix of following by email and social media. I used to have bloglovin, but then I followed so many blogs I missed the ones I really wanted to see and never got around to cleaning it up. I hope you'll have a good week!

    1. It was definitely interesting. Painting is so good for audiobooks, not much concentration required so easy to listen. I'm not a fan of email because I feel it clogs the inbox, and I'm so bad at clicking links in social media.


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