Title: My Life Next Door
Series: My Life Next Door
Author: Huntley Fitzpatrick
Published: 07/01/2016, Electric Monkey
Pages: 453
Source: Paperback
Format: Bought
Rating: 4/5
One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time.
Series: My Life Next Door
Author: Huntley Fitzpatrick
Published: 07/01/2016, Electric Monkey
Pages: 453
Source: Paperback
Format: Bought
Rating: 4/5
One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time.
The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy, affectionate. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen-year-old Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them... until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything. As the two fall fiercely in love, Jase's family makes Samantha one of their own. Then in an instant, the bottom drops out of her world and she is suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?
A dreamy summer read, full of characters who stay with you long after the story is over.
I have left it so long to review My Life Next Door that I honestly don't think I will give his book enough justice. It's been over two weeks since I finished it!
In all honesty, My Life Next Door if fairly similar to many other YA Contemporaries. Yet at the same time, it is so much more. The story feels extremely realistic. Especially the detail involved in showing just how messy and hectic Jase's family life is. Anyone with siblings or children can relate to this. They're just so normal!
I really liked both Sam and Jase. They are just so cute! And they listen to and respect each other. I also loved the fact that thy take their time with their relationship and don't just rush in. I also feel that I could relate to Sam's need to break away from the mould created by her mum.
Tim was also a character I really loved. He's such an asshole but I loved it. He gives the story a unique angle as it isn't the love interest who is the jerk.
My Life Next Door is told from Sam's perspective. It is at times predictable, but I have sort of come to expect that a bit in Contemporary books. However, it is nicely paced and I sped through the story. The twist near the end is heartbreaking but I thought the story ended nicely and most threads tied up.
I would definitely recommend My Life Next Door to fans of YA Contemporary books. I can definitely see where all the hype comes from. And I can't wait to read The Boy Most Likely To now either.
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Great review! I read this when it first came out and remember liking it a lot, especially Sam and Jase and Jase's family.