I've seen this tag around a few times recently, including on You, Me and a Cup of Tea and The Quiet People, and I've been meaning to complete it for ages so I thought now is as good a time as any. I've been blogging over a year now and thought this would be a great way for you guys to get to know me a bit better of course.
Vital Stats
Name - Lauren
Nicknames - Laur, Laurie-Lou, Little Lauren,
Birthplace - Scotland
Star Sign - Leo
Occupation - Directorate Assistant in a University
Hair Colour - Dark brown
Hair Length - Just below shoulders
Eye Colour - Brown and grey - I know it's rather weird, they just fade from brown to grey the further from my iris
Best feature - I don't know...
Braces - Between the ages of 13 and 16. A horrible time actually.
Piercings - Just plain old ears.
Tattoos - None, I'm terrified of needles. I would love to have the balls to get one, though.
Right or left - Right handed. But give me a knife and I will use my left hand. My brother's the same and it really annoys our mum for some reason.
Best friend - Her name was Natasha and we went through Primary School together but lost touch when we were put in separate classes in High School.
Award - A wee plastic thing from when I briefly took dance classes when I was 7.
Sport - As above. I'm not a sporty person in general, but I did try a fair few different ones back in the day.
Real holiday - Tenerife when I was 3. I actually vaguely remember there being an octopus shaped waterpark...
Concert - Busted when I was 11 with my mum and brother.
Film - The Princess Bride, Dirty Dancing, Pocahontas... I could go on, it depends on what mood I'm in really.

TV Show - I don't watch too much TV, but I do love Sherlock and Game of Thrones. Oh... and I never miss an episode of Strictly Come Dancing...

Colour - Green and Orange... the brighter the better and together
Song - This can change regularly, but Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley is always up there somewhere. But I currently can't get enough of Hair by Little Mix at the moment
Restaurant - I don't eat out often, but I do like Cosmo. Also, does Costa count as a restaurant... I'm in there at least twice a week....
Shop - Waterstones... duh...
Shoes - My sparkly gold heels... It's really hard to find somewhere suitable to where them, though. I mean I can't go rocking into the office wearing them that's for sure.
Feeling - Bored, tired
Single or taken - Taken
Eating - Jelly Belly jelly beans
Thinking - I should probably tidy my room...
Watching - Nothing... I've spent most of the night reading
Wearing - My pyjamas
Want children? - Definitely, I'll be waiting quite a while, though.
Want to be married? - Yup.
Careers in mind - I'm good where I am just now. I would like to work in animal conservation, though.
Where you want to live - Somewhere warm, and in my own place.
Do you believe in...
God? - Nope
Miracles? - Depends on the situation
Love at first sight? - If it happens, it happens...
Ghosts? - Nope
Aliens? - Nope
Soulmates? - I'd like to think there's someone for everyone.
Heaven? - When I think of loved ones, yeah. But really, nope.
Hell? - Yes, it's called exams! But really, nope.
Kissing on the first date? - Nope
Yourself? - I'd like to think so.
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