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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'd Want on a Desert Island (27 July 2021)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is books I'd want with me whilst stranded on a desert island. I've decided to split this into my favourite books that I'd want to reread and the longest books I still have on my TBR as I'd get the chance to attempt to read them if I was stuck on a deser island.

Favourite Books to Re-Read on a Desert Island

Longest books on my TBR that I'd get a chance to attempt on a Desert Island

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  1. Great list! I love some of your choices here and Dracula is always a good read, wherever you are - Dumas is cropping up a lot too!
    This is my TTT list of books I'd want with me - although I found it impossible to keep it to ten and am itching to add others to it!

    1. I just absolutely love Dracula. I've noticed Dumas appearing quite a bit too.

  2. Ooh Princess bride! Fun. I'm seeing Monte cristo already on a few lists as well... a nice long chunkster for desert island living. !

    1. The Princess Bride is my ultimate favourite! Yeah, I've noticed a lot of Dumas this week.

  3. Great choices! Dracula and The Princess Bride are two of my favorites.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. We have two favourites in common! The Princess Bride is my ultimate though.

  4. Good idea to have some longer books to pass the time.
    Here's my list!

  5. Perfect to have some rereads and some long books to read for the first time.

    1. I thought so! Even if I don't like the long books there'll be plenty of paper to start a fire haha!

  6. Such awesome choices! I love both The Princess Bride and Dracula, and I've always wanted to read Don Quixote. :)

    1. Dracula and The Princess Bride just make me so happy when I read them. I've wanted to read Don Quixote for a long time too.

  7. THE PRINCESS BRIDE is a great read no matter where you are. Great book and great choice!

    Happy TTT!


    1. It's my ultimate favourite! I love the movie too!

  8. Ooh you would definitely kill a lot of time with even one of those huge books!
    My TTT:

    1. Yes, I think that's why I'm scared to start them!

  9. You've got a lot of great ones on your list! I'd love to re experience Monte Cristo again for the first time.

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. That sounds so good that you'd love to read Monte Cristo for the first time again. It must be good!

  10. I love Wallbanger such a great romantic comedy. I would also make sure that the majority of the books I brought were long a great strategy.

    1. Wallbanger makes me laugh so much. Yes, I think they'd keep me entertained for a long time.

  11. Interesting list. I 've read six of those books and am going to read a seventh (Dracula) this year for one of my challenges. Of the ones I have read, many of them great books, my favourite would be "War and Peace". Happy Reading!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

    1. That's really nice to hear you enjoyed War and Peace. I find it a bit intimidating.

    2. I love large books and I know they are not for everyone. I never read just one book at a time so I still finish a book from time to time before I finally finish the big one.

    3. I think that's such a good way to do it. I might have to try it myself soon, just to help break the bigger ones down a bit.

  12. Les Mis and War & Peace are good calls! I still need to read them.

    1. Hopefully we'll get round to reading them one day!

  13. Fantastic list! I have seen Les Mis on quite a few!

    1. Thanks! Yes I think being on a desert island would be the perfect opportunity for a lot of us to get round to reading it.


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