Title: Then Comes Love
Author: Lindsay Detwiler
Published: 18/03/2016, Hot Tree Publishing
Pages: 322
Source: Hot Tree Promotions
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3/5
Sometimes in life, changes can be good...
Author: Lindsay Detwiler
Published: 18/03/2016, Hot Tree Publishing
Pages: 322
Source: Hot Tree Promotions
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3/5
Sometimes in life, changes can be good...
After losing her husband, her five cats, and her home, Charlotte Noel hates feeling dependent. As Charlotte tries to find her identity in this new stage of life, she comes to realize that drama never ends, dance aerobics can be a war zone, and love is always a possibility.
You never know when a midlife crisis is going to strike...
Charlotte's daughter, Annie, is going through struggles of her own. Recently divorced, she is feeling frumpy and worn-out. Run ragged, Annie mourns her youth and wonders where her life is headed, all while hoping she can help her daughter Amelia get it together.
Settling down can be overrated, especially when you're falling for a rock star look-alike...
Amelia is the wild child of the family. Working three jobs, because she just hasn't figured out what she wants in life, she realizes happiness isn't always settling down with a steady, dependable man; sometimes it's about following your true passion and living on the edge.
No matter what age you are, life and love can be crazy...
Once again Lindsay Detwiler has managed to make me feel quite gooey inside. Then Comes Love is a beautiful contemporary romance showing that love can happen at any age and anywhere. It's quite a fun read, too.
The vast majority of the story is set in a retirement home of all places. Not somewhere you would expect the average love story to be set. It was different, to say the least. However, this unusual setting relates very well to the characters.
The three main characters were all likable. Charlotte appears to be your typical little old lady who only wants the best for her daughter and granddaughter. She is devastated to be moving into the retirement home and feels as if her life is well and truly over. However, she really grows to love her new home and her life there is hilarious at times. If Mean Girls was set in a retirement home this would be it. Charlotte also reminds me a lot of my own granny, too.
I really enjoyed reading about Charlotte's granddaughter, Amelia. She has a very relatable aspect to her. Like many young adults, myself included, she is struggling to figure out where she sees her life heading. She isn't sure what she wants. She feels pressured into settling down before she is ready to.
Charlotte's daughter, Annie, is the character I liked least, but I still enjoyed reading about her. After the breakdown of her marriage, she doesn't know what to do with her life and feels as if she is stuck in a rut so to speak. I can't relate to her personally, but I definitely know there will be plenty of women out there that would.
Then Comes Love is told from the alternating third-person views of Charlotte, Annie, and Amelia. I actually quite liked this as I could easily identify which point-of-view I was in as all three characters are so different. This was quite unusual for me when reading a multi-pov book and I was pleasantly surprised.
Some parts of Then Comes Love are predictable and others are completely unpredictable. I had no idea how the story was going to end and I just hoped it would be a happy ending. The story also unfolded at a nice pace and covered a year without feeling rushed.
However, I do feel that there were some loose ends that I wish were tied up. Particularly regarding Amelia's choice. I wish we could have seen more of the confrontation. I also felt that the storyline involving Annie's ex-husband was sort of left hanging too and there could have been slightly more closure.
Then Comes Love is another enjoyable read from Lindsay Detwiler. It shows that second love can happen at any age and love can creep up on you. I would definitely recommend it to fans of contemporary romance and I can't wait to see what is next for Lindsay Detwiler.
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