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Book Review: Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter #1), Jeff Lindsay

Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1)

Title: Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Series: Dexter #1
Author: Jeff Lindsay
Published: 2005, Orion Books
Pages: 275
Source: Bought
Format: Paperback
Rating: 5/5
Dexter Morgan appears to be the perfect gentleman. He leads to a normal, quiet life working as a forensic officer for the Miami Police. He has a nice, shy girlfriend and is liked by her young children. But Dexter has a secret hobby. He's an accomplished serial killer.
So far he's killed dozens of people and has never been caught, because he knows exactly how to dispose of the evidence. And there are those who would rather he wasn't caught at all, because Dexter is a serial killer with a difference. He only kills the city's bad guys.
Then Dexter's well-organised life is thrown into chaos. Another serial killer is invading his territory - and he wants Dexter to come out and play...

Words have failed me... This book... This wonderful book is one of the best damn books I have read in a long time. I just want to read every Dexter book on after the other now!

Darkly Dreaming Dexter is unlike any other book I have read. I sort of knew the basic story because of the TV show, though I've not watched it yet, friends raved about it. Would it be weird to say that I thought it was a fun read? Because I really did find it fun! And quick! I devoured this book.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter is set in Florida, with a good portion set within the police station, and various crime scenes. An obvious choice really when the main character works in forensics, though I don't know Florida too well so can't say how realistic the setting is in that aspect.

I can't get over how much I love Dexter! He's a serial killer, therefore, he shouldn't deserve these feelings. But he is just so adorably charming and charismatic. His logic behind his actions is second to none. His humour is just the driest and brilliant. He had me giggling away to myself so much. I also loved his little soft spot for kids, it's kind of cute. Is it weird that I sort of consider him another book boyfriend? Cause I really do.

The way the story is told from Dexter's perspective makes him so incredibly human, too. Even when he denies having any feelings, it's obvious that he does. Especially for his sister.

I found Darkly Dreaming Dexter very unpredictable. True, at times I was confused, but Dexter was confused too so it's really all part of the story. The ending was just so dramatic and climatic. I completely did not expect the twist at all, even though the clues are totally there. It just completely took me by surprise. And the threads all ties up fairly nicely, so that's an added bonus.

In short, I absolutely loved Darkly Dreaming Dexter, and I was captivated by Dexter. I cannot wait to get my hands on Dearly Devoted Dexter. I have my fingers crossed this series will be a new favourite.

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  1. As a huge fan of the TV show, I have wanted to read this book for quite some time!

    1. I have only ever seen half of the first episode, but it's definitely on my to watch list. And yes, you really do need to read this!


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