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The Sunday Post (10 April) (Late Edition)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

It's been both a busy and an easy-going week this week. My parents were away for the majority of the week. So I had a bit of time to get caught up on reading and blogging. However, I didn't actually get as much as I wanted done actually done. Between clearing out my wardrobe and watching a few movies, I didn't leave myself much time to get any blogging done. As a result, it's a quiet week on the blog this week.

However, My Expanding Bookshelf passed a couple of small milestones this week. So as a result, I'm holding a little International Giveaway here. Feel free to enter to win a book of your choice!

On Saturday, I had a busy day. I went out for lunch and cocktails with my future sister-in-law and her best friends and she officially asked us to be bridesmaids and gave us adorable little personalised favours.

Then on Saturday night, I went around to a friend's to watch Britains Got Talents and have a few drinks. The few drinks turned into 2 bottles of wine each and a few shots and I got home at 5:40 on Sunday morning. This meant I was too tired to read much on Sunday, so I sort of wasted that day.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Books Every Animal Lover Should Read
Thursday - ARC Review: Once Upon a Dream (A Twisted Tale #2), Liz Braswell

Around the Blogosphere

Lola @ Lola's reviews gives great advice if you Need Help With Goodreads.
Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction asks Do You Feel A Pressure to Read Quickly?
Christine @ Metaphors and Moonlight asks What Age Protagonist Do You Prefer?
Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner has a great post On Bookshelf Organisation.

What I Read Last Week

Read Me Like a BookTragedy Girl

Currently Reading

Once Upon a Dream (A Twisted Tale, #2)

What I Plan to Read This Week

Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1)The Rose Petal Beach

Book Haul

Nothing this week, thankfully. Aiming to increase my Netgalley ratio a bit first.

Don't forget to enter my Double Milestone Giveaway.

Follow me via GoodreadsFacebookTwitterBloglovin, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


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