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Book Review: Not If I See You First, Eric Lindstrom

Not If I See You First

Title: Not If I See You First
Author: Eric Lindstrom
Published: 31/12/2015, HarperCollins Children's Books
Pages: 321
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3.5/5
Parker Grant doesn't need perfect vision to see right through you. That's why she created the Rules: Don't treat her any differently just because she's blind, and never take advantage. There will be no second chances.
When Scott Kilpatrick, the boy who broke her heart, suddenly reappears at school, Parker knows there's only one way to react - shun him so hard it hurts. She has enough to deal with already, like trying out for the track team, handing out tough-love advice to her painfully naive classmates, and giving herself gold stars for every day she hasn't cried since her dad's death. But avoiding her past quickly proves impossible, and the more Parker learns about what really happened - both with Scott, and her dad - the more she starts to question if things are always as they seem.
Combining a fiercely engaging voice with true heart, Not If I See You First illuminated those blind spots that we all have in life, whether visually impaired or not.

Not If I See You First is such a unique and eye-opening book. It is a very quick, fun read, but it also makes the reader put so much into perspective.

Not If I See You First is the story of a blind girl, Parker, attending high school. The story is told from Parker's perspective and I just found this so unique. Clearly, Parker can't describe people or places so instead Parker has to rely on what she hears and touches, as well as her own memory. It really does put the ability of sight into perspective. Not If I See You First made me appreciate the sight that I do have.

I really liked Parker. She's very honest (sometimes a bit too honest) and doesn't let her blindness stand in her way. She even goes out and runs every morning! I just found her character so inspirational. Sure, she is a bit of a bitch at times, but I just loved her for it. And what teenage girl isn't a bitch at times, anyway!

I also felt that Sarah and Molly were amazing friends. They just know exactly how to help Parker, even when Parker doesn't want help. They still push her when they need to too and don't treat her like glass. I loved that they stand by Parker when a lot of kids would be hesitant to befriend her.

Although I really liked the unique story-telling and the characters, I did think the plot was quite slow. In my opinion not much really happened. The story is mainly Parker's day-to-day life, with a bit of romance and friendship regaining thrown in. It is sad to say, but the more I read the more I got bored with the story (although I did still like it). However, the story does conclude neatly, even if it is quite open.

Not If I See You First is a unique story with fantastic characters. I just wish there was a bit more plot to it. I would still recommend this book to fans of YA contemporary, though, especially to those looking for something a bit more unique.

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  1. This sounds really great - I'll have to try it out!

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Yes! You really should! It's such a unique read that I will remember for a long time.

  2. Great review! I had a hard time getting into Parker but agree with you that the plot was definitely slow. It was a unique perspective and POV though!

    1. I agree it is an unusual character to try to get use to, but I came to love the way it was written.


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