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The Sunday Post (7 November 2021)


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This week has been another hectic one. I had a family christening last week so it was nice to catch up with family after the past year. I also went to a Guy Fawkes bonfire, then a light show with a friend on Friday which was really good! The light show was based on fairy tales so it was interesting, but aimed more at kids. I've also spent this weekend dog sitting as my parents have gone away for the weekend.

In what's turning into a standard in my life, this week has also had a bit of drama. Both days I was at work this week had bus trouble. On the first day, the driver was relatively new and likely just passed his bus test so the driving was a bit hair-raising at times. At one point, he braked so hard my glasses flew off my face. Hopefully, he gets the hang of it soon. Then the next day, the bus broke down and it took me 30 mins more than it should have to get home. However, the biggest drama this week was that we had yet another hospital visit this week and this time it was my brother who was taken through in an ambulance. Thankfully, he's all fine now and he was discharged later the same day.

But now, I've managed to catch the horrendous cold that has been going around, so I've spent most of the weekend curled up watching TV in front of the fire and drinking lots of Lemsip. I have tested myself and thankfully it came back negative so it is just a particularly nasty cold.

Amongst all the busyness though I have managed to find some more time for the blog. I've put together a rough plan of what I want to do in terms of being more consistent. I've also decided I want to start doing monthly wrap-up posts again and upcoming TBR posts as well as various other post ideas.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Not sure yet... I'll see what happens and how long it takes me to get back into things

What I Read Over the Last Week

Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read This Week

Book Haul

Currently Watching

I've spent most of the weekend catching up on The Great British Bakeoff and Gogglebox.

Currently Listening

Can't think of anything this week.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovinInstagram and Email.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Sorry to hear about your cold. I hope you feel better. Have a great week.

  2. Sorry you had transportation issues. Those suck! And there has been a virus going around here as well. It's awful!

    1. Thankfully the bus has been okay every since. Yeah, it just seems like a horrendous cold going round just now.

  3. "he braked so hard my glasses flew off " Yikes!!!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Yeah it wasn't a great experience at all. I'm feeling much better.

  4. Wow, sounds like a crazy week with the bus issues! Crazy! Hope you're getting to feel better now. I probably won't get to reading my copy of The Love Hypothesis till the end of this year or next year. Ugh, I've got to quit signing up for so many tours! Oh well. Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thankfully the bus has settled down a bit now. I've still not managed to read The Love Hypothesis. I think I'm just looking forward to it so much that I'm a bit scared to actually start it.


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