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Top Ten Tuesday: Physical Books I Own But Haven't Read Yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.  This week's topic is  freebie.  Therefore, my topic is the top ten books I own a physical copy of but haven't read yet.
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)

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  1. There are some really fantastic books in this list, I hope you find some time to read them and enjoy them! Great topic!

    My TTT

    1. Yes, I hope so too! There's just so many books to read and so little time!

  2. The teaser sounds interesting. Added it to my TBR list. And I have some of the same books for your top ten that I haven't read yet either. Hope we enjoy them!

    1. I hope so too! If we ever get around to reading them haha!

  3. The only ones that I've read are The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent and I really enjoyed both of them. Great topic!

    1. Thanks! I really can't wait to find out what the hype is all about.

  4. Interesting teaser.

    Mine this week is from a middle grade novel:

  5. Good teaser. I like a good mystery.

    1. Thanks. I haven't read a lot of mysteries so it's something different

  6. Intriguing teaser! Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my Teaser!

    Wendy Lohr

  7. Oh, my NEED to read City of Bones. It is amazing and you'll be hooked on the series. I had to stop recommending Divergent after I read the last book in the series. It was terrible. I feel like I wasted my time with the previous books. Watch the movie if you really want to know the story. Maybe the last movie(s) will be different or better than the book. Great topic choice!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. Haha! I definitely plan read City of Bones at some point this summer. That sucks about Divergent, but I'll probably read it anyway just to get an idea of what the hype is all about.

  8. Nice topic! I love the rush of buying a new book that I'm excited to read, but I often find that I forget about it once it's sitting on my shelf. Weird, right? I need to dedicate some time to reading the books I already have instead of accumulating more. Bookgirl problems!

    1. Not weird at all! I totally understand and I'm constantly being held back from book displays. I've decided that I'm going to spend the summer tackling all the books I own but haven't read so hopefully the pile will reduce dramatically.

  9. Curious if she's a forensic pathologist? The title is catchy too.

    My TT -

    1. She's actually an undertaker, it gives an insight into an occupation that generally doesn't get thought of in so much detail.
      Thanks for visiting.

  10. Ha, I have all the Game of Thrones books and haven't read them yet, too! It's like a shelf of shame...

    1. I'm the same - I have them all but haven't read them! I have managed to acquire a whole bookcase of shame haha!

  11. OMG! More dog books I have never seen. My TBR just grew. Thanks so much for posting such an interesting and diverse list. Happy reading!


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