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Feature and Follow (14 August)

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The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
The featured blog this week is Bambi Unbridled and Piper's Book Blog.

This week’s Question:
If you could have an endless supply of food, what would it be?

An endless supply of food.... hmmm.... Just food in general really. But not fish, bacon or chocolate. Maybe pizza or pasta... just as long as it's not the only food I would be allowed. It would get kind of boring if I was stuck eating pizza for my whole life.

Follow me via GoodreadsFacebookTwitterBloglovin and Pinterest (though I’m not very good at using it) and also via email to

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. It certainly is hard to pick just one food! I almost chose pasta because like potatoes, there's endless possibilities to what you can make. I love me some pizza but I do think I'd get sick of eating it 3x times a day pretty quickly Lol

    Old follower via Bloglovin', New follower via GFC

    1. I agree, pasta and potatoes are just so adaptable. I could see myself getting bored of pizza too to be honest.

  2. Pizza is a great choice! I think you can cover all of the food groups on a good pizza. Thanks for visiting my blog. Old follower :)

    1. Yeah definitely, but I am still really picky when it comes to what is on a pizza!

  3. Ours are pretty much the same. I listed pizza and mac & cheese.

    My FF:

  4. Hello! New follower here via Bloglovin and GFC. I would choose an endless supply of Ice Cream! My blog is :

    1. I like ice cream, but I don't think I'd want to eat it all the time. Plus it would be hell for my sensitive teeth!


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