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Feature and Follow (21 August)

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The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
The featured blogs this week are The Book Junkie and Little Book Heaven.


This week’s Question:
If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would you pick? Fictional ones count too!

I absolutely adore my dogs... so yeah I'd totally choose my girls Misty and Bailey (below left). They are both great dogs and I really can't picture life without them. But then there was also my wee man Ozzie (below right) and I miss him every day.

Fictional-wise, I think a phoenix would be pretty cool. It would save the heartbreak of losing them and I'm the clumsiest person ever so a phoenix's healing powers would be pretty damn handy.

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Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Aw! Your dogs are adorable! RIP, Ozzie! :( A Phoenix is an awesome pick! I could also use something with healing powers! Bloglovin' follower! :)

    1. Aww! thank you. They're angels too, most of the time. And yes, I'm forever covered in cuts and bruises so a phoenix would be a godsend.

  2. I also chose phoenix! I think that they're just so cool! And the healing powers would be great too! Old follower!

    My F&F

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

  3. Your dogs are adorable! I love labs. Thank you for stopping by. :)
    Old follower

    1. Yeah, they can be cute when they want to be.

  4. Oh I have labs too - a chocolate male (Dopey) and yellow female (Lucky). They were rescues from the same litter and are now 15 years old! Old follower!

    1. Awww! That is so cute that they're still together! And I love their names!

  5. Your dogs are cute. A phoenix would be an interesting pet.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thank you. They can be when they want to be. Bailey can be a little terror though.

  6. Such cute dogs! And phoenixes are really cool!

    My FF:

  7. Aww, that's a shame that you would have to wait to get one. My cousin was scared of dogs so what did my auntie and uncle do - buy a dog! Haha!


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