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2021 Reading Wrap Up

I had such a good reading year in 2021, something I didn't expect this time last year. I hadn't really picked up a book in a few years and I ended up reaching my Goodreads goal twice!

Books Read

I read a total of 56 books and 17,842 pages. This is an average of 4.7 books and 1,486.8 pages a month. Considering I only really started reading more intensely in April I am so chuffed with these numbers.

Average Rating

I've had a pretty good year in terms of my ratings. Almost half of the books I read were 4 star so I definitely feel like I'm starting to get a feel for what I like. My average rating was 3.7. 

Most Read Source

Over half the books I read this year were already owned or I bought for myself which is no surprise as I buy most of my books myself. I'm so glad I've managed to borrow a few too as 2021 was the year I restarted my library membership so I'm already getting decent usage.

Most Read Format

Almost 70% of the books I read were physical copies. I think I've had great progress in culling my physical TBR down this year and it makes me so happy. This year was also the year that I started listening to audiobooks and I kind of went in the deep-end with it by either listening to long books or omnibus-style collections. Hopefully next year I'll be able to listen to a fair chunk more.

Number of Re-Reads

So most of my reads were first-time reads and I think this is always going to be the case most years. However, there are a few childhood favourites I would like to reread soon so this number might go up next year.

Series Versus Standalone

Most of my reads were standalones this year which really does not surprise me. I started off my reading this year by trying to read as many standalones to reduce my TBR and decide if I wanted to keep physical copies or unhaul them.

Most Read Genre

This one is a bit busy. I really went round the genres this year and ended up with a tie for most read between Biography and Fantasy... to complete polar opposites! I think it kind of shows the complete scatterbrain that was my year overall to be honest.

Average Book Length

A lot of the books read this year were on the shorter side for me. Similar to wanting to reduce my physical TBR by reading standalones I was also choosing shorter reads for a bit just to fire them out quickly. Half were under the 350 page count.

Most Read Age Range

Almost 2/3s of books read were Adult which makes complete sense as I'm almost 30 and just don't relate to YA in the same way and I very rarely read Childrens or MG.

Author Nationality

The majority of author nationalities read this year were either American or English. I'd really like to work on reducing these percentages slightly and read from more countries. I'd especially like to read more Scottish authors as I am Scottish and 3 does not feel acceptable to me.

Favourite read

Two completely different books and I loved them both for different reasons. The Love Hypothesis had me all fuzzy inside and Battle Royale had me hooked from the very first page.

Worst read

This was my one and only DNF of the entire year. I don't think I lasted 20%. I just couldn't connect with the writing style and all the characters were awful people.

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Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I love all your stats! I plan to do that for 2022. I still have not read The Love Hypothesis.

  2. Thank you! It's my first time doing stats and I loved doing it. I hope you get to read The Love Hypothesis soon!


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