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Top Ten Tuesday: Childhood Reads I'd Love to Revisit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.  This week's topic is 10 books from our childhood or teen years that we'd like to revisit.  This is my first time doing Top Ten Tuesday - the topic was too good not to.

Goodnight Mister Tom
Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian
This is just a classic.  We watched the film all the time at school but never once read the book.  But I found a copy at my granny's.

The BFG, Roald Dahl
My favourite Roald Dahl, but to be honest, I would love to re-read them all again.

Damage, Sue Mayfield
I had to read this in school as my class was involved in voting for the Angus Book Award.  It's about a car crash and I was at that age where I couldn't wait until I was 17 to drive.  It really hit home and I voted for it.  Unfortunately, it didn't win... instead, the rest of my class voted for the book about a prostitute - we were 14/15 at this point.

Northern Lights (His Dark Materials, #1)
His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman
I loved the books when I read them but haven't re-read them at all.  It high time I did.

The Haunted Mountain: A Story of Suspense
The Haunted Mountain, Mollie Hunter
My teacher had the whole class read this.  It terrified me!  But I have been looking for it for years and with the help of Google managed to remember the name.

King O The Midden (Itchy Coo)
King o' the Midden: Manky Mingin Rhymes in Scots, Matthew Fitt
When I was in primary 6 (10 years old) Matthew Fitt came to our school to teach us Scottish language for Burns Day.  He even brought the BBC along with him and we were on TV.  I keep meaning to dig my copy out again and have a re-read (and also watch my English friends struggle to pronounce the language *evil laugh*)

Watership Down
Watership Down, Richard Adams
I watched the film first when I was about 5 years old and it terrified me.  I later found the book in the school library in secondary school and loved it.  The movie still terrifies me.

The Hundred and One Dalmatians
The 101 Dalmatians, Dodie Smith
Another one that I absolutely adored when I was little

The Borrowers (The Borrowers, #1)
The Borrowers, Mary Norton
I didn't really like this when I read it originally, I kind of forced myself through it.  I'm thinking of giving it another go to see if my opinion has changed with age.

Also, there is this one book that I remember reading at my granny's.  She doesn't have it anymore and I can't for the life of me remember the name or the author.  All I remember is that it has a group of four teenagers (2 boys and 2 girls if I remember correctly), they went out on a boat, found an island and would explore it every day.  I also seem to remember that there was a storm at one point at they got stranded.  It used to belong to my dad so it could be hanging around up in the attic somewhere.

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  1. I LOVE Goodnight Mister Tom, the film and book make me cry so much when he realises what's happened to Zach :-( and The BFG is my favourite Dahl too!

    Are you thinking of The Famous Five by Enid Blyton? It sounds very like the first book Five on a Treasure Island - two brothers, their sister and girl cousin (though she dresses like a boy) and dog called Timmy??

    1. No, I don't think it is The Famous Five. Just looked up the story on wikipedia and I can't remember there being a shipwreck or anything. There could have been a dog though. This not knowing is really frustrating me now though haha!

  2. Yay for the Borrowers! My mother-in-law bought my girls all the books in the series in an early edition. I loved them all.

    1. I really can't wait to re-read to see if I will enjoy it more than I did when I was younger

  3. I loved the Borrowers, and read Harry Potter as my own children were growing up. Great list!


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