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Book Review: Battle for Cymmera (Kingdom of Cymmera #3), Dani-Lyn Alexander

Battle for Cymmera (Kingdom Of Cymmera Trilogy)

Title: Battle for Cymmera
Series: Kingdom of Cymmera #3
Author: Dani-Lyn Alexander
Published: 22/11/2016, Lyrical Press
Pages: 215
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3/5
With the traitor on the run, Ryleigh and Jackson can finally begin rebuilding their kingdom. But when a cryptic message suggests he was seen in Argonas, chaos creeps back into Cymmera once more...
Jackson knows Cymmera will never be safe until the traitor, guilty of treason, is detained and executed. After ordering Cymmeran guardsmen to scour the land, he and the Death Dealer team brave the wilds of Argonas in search of the informant who spotted his foe And in his absence, Jackson not only leaves the throne empty,, but the kingdom vulnerable to attack...
As a vicious army descends on Cymmera, Ryleigh is forced to flee to an uncharted realm with a small group of survivors - a place Jackson has no chance of discovering. Alone, but for the few people she was able to save, Ryleigh must decide whether to reclaim her kingdom or remain in the new realm forever, forsaking all she left behind...

Battle for Cymmera was a nice conclusion to the Kingdom of Cymmera trilogy. The story continued from almost exactly where Lost Princess finished and right from the very start the reader is thrown into the action. And the action rarely takes a pause through the whole book!

Like the rest of the trilogy, Battle of Cymmera is mainly set in Cymmera. However, we are also introduced to the Realm of the Fae and with the new Realm there is also a bit more world-building. I could sort of picture the Realm of the Fae. However, when it came to Cymmera I was still a bit lost with the slight lack of world-building.

With the new setting, the reader is also introduced to a few new characters from the Realm of the Fae. Not too much is revealed about these characters so I wasn't too sure if they were trustworthy or not. However, we did find out a bit more about Payton which I thought was great.

The characters were still very good. I enjoyed reading Jackson and Ryleigh. They've definitely come to terms with ruling Cymmera and protecting their people. However, they are rarely seen together in Battle of Cymmera. I think they must spend around 80% of the story apart and I'd have like to have read more interaction between them. Especially given the ending, I wish more romance was shown between them.

I thought Battle for Cymmera was extremely fast-paced. The action starts right from page one and just continues at the same pace straight to the end. It was sometimes tricky to keep up with what was happening! However, I didn't find the story too predictable and there were a few plot twists along the wat that kept things interesting. I also felt the story ended on a high with all plot threads tied up nicely.

I would definitely recommend the Kingdom of Cymmera trilogy to fans of easy YA fantasy. It is a nice, quick series to read and is definitely enjoyable.

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