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Book Review: Did I Mention I Miss You? (The DIMILY Trilogy #3), Estelle Maskame

Did I Mention I Miss You? (The DIMILY Trilogy, #3)

Title: Did I Mention I Miss You?
Series: The DIMILY Trilogy #3
Author: Estelle Maskame
Published: 01/12/2016, Sourcebooks Fire
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3/5
A year has passed since Eden last spoke to Tyler. She remains furious at him for his abrupt departure last summer but has done her best to move on with her life in Chicago. As school breaks up for the summer, she's heading back to Santa Monica, but she's not the only one who decides to come home...
Having been left behind to deal with the aftermath of their bombshell revelation and a family torn apart, Eden has no time for Tyler when he reappears. But where has Tyler been? And is she as over him as she likes to think? Or can Tyler and Eden finally work things out, despite their family and against all odds?
The explosive finale to Estelle Maskame's international bestselling DIMILY trilogy, and the highly anticipated conclusion to Eden and Tyler's addictive love story.

Did I Mention I Miss You? (DIMIMY) is the much-anticipated finale to The DIMILY Trilogy. I feel like I have waited so long to finally read this book. DIMIMY returns to Eden and Tyler's story a year after everything fell apart in Did I Mention I Need You? (DIMINY) with Eden trying to convince herself that she is over Tyler.

In my opinion, DIMIMY was a good end to the trilogy, however, I felt the story was a bit flat at times. I kept waiting for something to happen and it just didn't. I feel the main point of the story was Eden and Tyler becoming comfortable with their relationship being out in the open. Despite this, I thought DIMIMY was a fun and quick read with me reading it in less than a day!

DIMIMY is set in yet another American city. This time Portland. And although I don't know Portland at all, there were plenty of little titbits and places mentioned that I suppose someone who knows Portland would recognise. I think the location fits in perfectly with Eden and tyler's story as it's where Eden grew up so it's always going to be special to her.

In DIMIMY, Eden has definitely become more mature, however, she can still be pretty petty at times, especially when it came to her dad. We also see the effect that her relationship with Tyler has had on how people view her. Everyone thinks she's weird and disgusting which has definitely caused her to revert back into her shell and shy away from social events.

However, Tyler just continued to mature so much. He is now completely different to the boy Eden met when she moved to California in Did I Mention I Love You? (DIMILY). His head is completely screwed on now and he has gone down such an admirable route opening a youth centre. He's also learned to be the bigger person, especially when it comes to confronting his step-dad.

DIMIMY is again told from Eden's perspective which I think is great in showing how her confidence has taken a plummet after the fall-out in DIMINY. However, I definitely found the story a bit predictable. I had an inkling of how it would end right from the start and I wasn't surprised. However, I thought the ending was perfect, especially with Eden and Tyler's family. I don't think their story could have ended in a better way.

I think the plot in DIMIMY was definitely a bit slow for my liking. Mainly because, in my opinion, not much happens until the final 10% of the story. However, in a way, I do still think the story followed a natural progression of Eden and Tyler's relationship and all plot threads were tied up nicely in the end.

I would definitely recommend DIMIMY to everyone that has read the first two books in the trilogy. I also think the trilogy is a worthwhile read for fans of YA contemporary romance. I'm so glad I stuck with DIMILY!

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  1. For some reason, this is one of those series that I never really got into. I have the first book in the series, but I have yet to read it, partially because I read a lot of reviews where people said it was a bit slow and long. I love YA contemporary so I'll probably be giving these books a go in the future. Glad you enjoyed the series, and great review!

    1. I hope you do find the time to read them! They are pretty good, especially considering the authors age when she started it writing them.


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