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The Sunday Post (6 November)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Not much happened this week. It's been fairly quite, but I did manage to read a lot again. So that's always a bonus. I've also been getting into the Christmas spirit super early this year, which is very unusual for me! I've has a taste of the Costa Christmas menu and I would highly recommend the honeycomb latte (and the amoretti latte not so much). It is simply amazing! We also had our first mince pies of the year at work this week, just because it's not a proper week unless there's some sort of cake available, haha!

I also went out for tea and a catch-up with a friend which was great! Especially since we actually stopped speaking to each other back in February! But, we've put our differences behind us and I'm so glad to have such a great friend back. I also tried Turkish for the first time and it was nice (though I couldn't pronounce any of the names!).

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Monday - ARC Review: What Light, Jay Asher
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books Recently Added to my TBR

Around the Blogosphere

Nicole @ Nicole's Novel Read discusses the BEA and ARC Frenzy.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight asks Why are we so attracted to pretty book covers?
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight asks Does Social Media Competence Equal Blog Success?

What I Read Last Week

What LightThe Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonThe Rose Petal Beach

Currently Reading

Anna KareninaMacbethBattle for Cymmera

What I Plan to Read This Week

Pivotal Moments (In Time, #1)Carry On

Book Haul

Nothing this week! Which is great cause I'm really trying to work on my Netgalley ratio.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovinInstagram and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Great set of books you got!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  2. Nice variety of books! I love Anna Karenina. So many characters to hate! Enjoy your books.

    1. Thanks! Yeah i'm enjoying Anna Karenina so far, but it is a bit confusing with all the characters.

  3. I love Christmas and usually get into the spirit early too, although I haven't this year yet. I'm thinking the HoHoHo readathon will correct that though lol. I signed up for it but haven't picked out my reads yet- yikes.

    Some nice covers this week- I like that The Rose Petal Beach one.

    1. I'm not doing the HoHoHo readathon, but it sounds good! I hope it gets you into the spirit of Christmas. The Rose Petal Beach is a very good book to go along with a nice cover too.

  4. It's really cold today and I'm thinking about those honeycomb lattes...! The only Turkish I'm familiar with is Turkish language skills are not great though I know enough tourist French to get by if I went there. Enjoy your reading!

    1. I know! The temperature has just skydived here! Definitely in need of a honeycomb latte today!


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