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Top Ten Tuesday: All-Time Favourite Movies

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is a movie freebie. So, I'm going to list my seven all-time favourite movies.

The Princess Bride Poster
(Note: trailer is very bad and does NOT do the film justice... but it is hilarious!)

Pocahontas Poster

Jurassic Park Poster

Dirty Dancing Poster

A Knight's Tale Poster

Happy Feet Poster

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  1. YES The Princess Bride! Such an amazing and hilarious movie. Before I watched it for the first time I seriously didn't understand the hype because it just seemed so weird lol, but it's amazing. And yes Pocahontas! Such an underrated Disney movie but one of my absolute favorites.

    1. Haha! I didn't realise The Princess Bride had so much hype! Probably cause I've been watching it since I was little and none of my irl friends have seen it. And Pocahontas is far too underrated! it is the best.

  2. I have seen The Princess Bride on so many posts today and it completely belongs there -- Fantastic TT!

    1. Yes! It totally does! It never fails to cheer me up too!

  3. I'm like the only person on earth who has not seen Princess Bride yet but I've been meaning to get to it. I've seen in on so many people's lists that I need to get to it.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Yes! You really need to watch it. It has something for everyone too!

  4. The Princess Bride- awesome! And Jurassic PArk too. Love those movies.

    1. Jurassic Park never fails to bring out my inner dinosaur-nerd, haha!

  5. Jurassic Park made my list this week too! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Yay! It's just brilliant and brings out the dinosaur nerd in me!

  6. I am mad for the Jurassic Park and Harry Potter films-I watch them over and over. I can't wait to see Jurassic World 2 when it comes out!

    1. I'm the same, though I didn't actually know Jurassic World was getting a sequel!

    2. Rumour seems to suggest three film in total...yea!


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