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Book Review: Pivotal Moments (In Time #1), Trinity Hanrahan

Pivotal Moments (In Time, #1)

Title: Pivotal Moments
Series: In Time #1
Author: Trinity Hanrahan
Published: 19/01/2016, Limitless Publishing
Pages: 404
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3/5
A senior in high school, introvert Aislinn Munroe is satisfied living unnoticed...
Aislinn is doing the normal post-high school preparations to get into college. She's getting ready for a life beyond senior year, and wonders where she'll fit into the world once she's officially an adult. Though her curves are to kill for, she's also smart and funny. However, she isn't at all popular, which is just fine with her.
Aislinn's introverted ways are about to be put to the test...
Content with hiding from the limelight, Aislinn doesn't get bullied like so many other shy kids do - that is, as long as she keeps to herself. But is she really living the life she's meant to? Or are there unforeseen adventures waiting to shake up her life in the near future?
When her brother comes home from college, he brings an unexpected houseguest...
Teagan Aldridge is a reformed party animal, ladies' man, and bad boy. He's the last person Aislinn thought would ever show her attention. But when Aislinn and Teagan become unlikely friends, he brings out a side of herself she never knew existed. She already knows she's special, but sexy and adventurous? That's a first.
Are their personalities too far apart, or will opposites attract, making them an unusual, but influential pair? When their vast differences collide, Aislinn is led to some unexpected...
Pivotal Moments.

Pivotal Moments is a lovely, quick YA romance. To be fair, it's not the most original story - it’s pretty cliché really. But it's such a fun read.

Pivotal Moments it told from Aislinn's point-of-view. This is great at showing Aislinn's personality and fears. She is pretty introverted and doesn't really open up to people. I can sort of relate to her in this way. But I did think she was quite immature and naive a lot of the time. If she didn't get her own way, she would just give everyone the silent treatment. I mean, come on, she's 17, not 7.

I really liked Teagan. Like really, really liked him. He's a bit of a reformed bad boy and just sounds so hot. I want a Teagan in my life. I also loved that he was quite a bit older than Aislinn. There's a five-year age gap. I thought that this was quite unique for a YA contemporary! I find the love interest is nearly always the same age as the main character, if not maybe a year older. And Teagan also has Zver. He sounds like the best dog ever! (After my own that it.)

Pivotal Moments is a quick read. However, I didn't really think there was too much to the plot. It was pretty basic boy-meets-girl, boy-falls-for-girl really. There were a few plot twists along the way, but again they were pretty cliché and predictable. I kind of wish there was some more confrontation, especially near the end involving the instigator of a major plot twist.

I did think there was a nice ending the story, though. There was no cliff-hanger and Aislinn and Teagan's story wrapped up neatly. I do wish some of the minor plots were tied up a bit more though as it felt one little backstory was left hanging. However, this could possibly be addressed in the sequel.

Pivotal Moments is a nice, easy and quick read that I think would be perfect for fans of YA romance. It is cliché, but who doesn't like a bit of cliché every so often.

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