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Top Ten Tuesday: My Autumn TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is the top ten books on my autumn TBR.
The Heir (The Selection, #4)

Jurassic Park

Pretending to Dance


Lost Princess (Kingdom of Cymmera, #2)

I Am the Messenger

The Maze Runner (Maze Runner, #1)

The Sister Pact

How to Be Brave

Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)

Not quite sure if I will read them all. I've checked the ten books on my summer TBR and from that list I read 7, DNFed 1 and didn't get around to 2 which is a lot better than what I was expecting!

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  1. I need to read I Am the Messenger soon, it's been sat on my TBR shelf for ages! I loved The Book Thief so I'm hopeful I'll love that one too.

    1. I Am the Messenger is a fairly recent addition to my TBR. I only read The Book Thief this year and almost immediately went out to buy I Am the Messenger. I feel the same way.

  2. We have The Sister Pact in common! I actually just read a review this morning of Untwine, can't remember the authors name at the moment, but it's about twin sisters who live through a car crash - one wakes up in the hospital unable to speak, so it's just her and her thoughts, so she reflects upon her life and tries to find herself and who she really is. Sounds really interesting and vaguely similar to The Sister Pact.

    Happy TTT

    1. I'm away to read The Sister Pact next! Untwine sound so intriguing! I'm off to check out Goodreads.

  3. Oh gosh, I love Eragon. I haven't read it in years, but that's a special novel! I have had I Am The Messenger for over a year now and haven't gotten around to it, but I definitely want to soon. Lost Princess looks really good. I hope you enjoy these :)
    Here's my TTT!

    1. Eragon is a reread for me! I haven't read it in years but I really, really want to again. I Am the Messenger is a recent addition to my TBR so I'm still not sure whether I will read it or read one of the older books. I haven't read Lost Princess yet, but I just finished reading the first book Reluctant Prince and it was interesting.

  4. Nice list! I loved The Heir. I hope you enjoy these! Good luck getting to them!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you loved The Heir! I've seen so many poorer review for it so I was worried about starting it.

  5. I still need to finish the Selection series. It's eternally on my TBR.
    OOOH! I hope you like the Maze Runner! I loved it. It's such an action packed book. The Scorch Trials was amazing too in my opinion, though the third book was a tad bit slow.
    I just recently got I Am The Messenger and i'll admit, I have no idea what it's about. BUT i'm very excited to read more by Markus Zusak.
    The Sister Pact and How To Be Brave look really cool. I'll have to check them out!
    I hope you get around to these! That's a good idea - I wonder how I did on my summer TBR?
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. The Selection is such a great, easy to read series. Definitely worth a read!
      Still to get around to The Maze Runner but I've heard so many good things!
      I have no idea what I Am The Messenger is about either haha! I just loved The Book Thief so decided to buy it too.

      I actually read more of my Summer TBR that I thought I did. It was a nice surprise.

  6. Hope you enjoy The Maze Runner!
    My TTT:

    1. Still to read it but really can't wait! I've heard so many great things!

  7. I LOVE Jurassic Park! It's so worth the read, even if you've seen the movie! Happy reading! :)

    1. I love it too! This will be a reread for me, it's one of my favourites.

  8. I need to go back and re-read Eragon so I can finish the series. I remember liking the first two or three books but book four hadn't been published yet, and then I didn't get around to reading it, and now I'm pretty sure I've forgotten most of the plot of the series! LOL

    1. I'm the same! I need to reread the whole series before I read the last book!

  9. I reviewed Pretending to Dance for RT Book Reviews & I loved it! Hope you enjoy it too!! My TTT

    1. I just finished it this week. It was good, I just struggled to relate to the characters though.


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