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Discussion: How Many Books I Read Last Year

On 21 February 2015, I started both My Expanding Bookshelf and my Goodreads account. Before then, I didn't really keep track of how many books I was reading. Cause laziness really...

However, since then, I read 58 books with 16,015 pages in 2015. That's 1.09 books a week! Averaging at 43.9 pages a day! I think that's pretty damn good. Especially, when I tie in the fact that I was working 2 jobs for 5 months of the year and then quit them both to start my first full-time job in September. I leave my house by 7.30am and get home at 6.00pm. I honestly have no idea how I found the time to read at all never mind read 58 books. And that doesn't even take into account the time blogging takes up!

I'm honestly mind blown by the idea that some people can read 150 to 200 books a year! 

mind blown taylor swift amas 2014
I mean how on earth is that possible? Fitting that in with family, jobs and other commitments seems impossible to me. I applaud anyone that manages this!

disney applause cartoons & comics clapping aladdin
Before I started my blog, back in February 2015, I thought I was a really fast reader. It turns out that although I'm fairly fast, I'm nowhere near as fast compared to other bloggers. But you know what, I'm okay with that. I can still read a book in a day if I really want to and have the time to.

That being said I'm hoping to break past this record this year. And maybe even *fingers crossed* get close to 70 books. That would make my year! I'm hoping this will be easier now that I'm more settled at my new job now and have sort of established a nice routine now.

So, how many books do you read a year? Are you one of the superhumans that read over 150 books? And if so, HOW on earth do you find the time and WHAT are you reading? 

(Also, opinions on my first Discussion post - how did I do? Cause I don't trust my own rubbish opinion haha! *Fingers crossed* I'll get better!)

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  1. I read 74 books last year so that doesn't make me superhuman.
    I have a fulltime job too, and can't believe how many books those people are reading, even one of my goodreads friend manage to read 278 books last year, that's just... wow!
    I sometime (okay maybe often) sneak-read while working if I'm bored, don't tell my boss :D

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels like this. 278 books is crazy! Just how? I've also on occasion sneakily read at work...

  2. How is 500 pages an hour possible! Do they even take any of it in? 50 pages is brilliant, especially if you've been on hiatus.

  3. So I read 217 books last year and 202 the year before -- I know it seems like a lot and I'm not even sure how I read that many. Part of it is not having a TV and the other part is traveling -- I can knock out a few books on a long flight, which I do several times a year. That being said, I want to read fewer books this year because I want to re-read a lot. There is no glory in reading a ton of books at the expense of quality and I think you are doing amazing!!

    1. You are amazing! I do wish I could read that much, it's just physically impossible for me. If I traveled, I probably would read a lot more too. But unfortunately, I haven't been many places recently other than Ireland and that only took 40 minutes on the plane. Definitely not long enough to get engrossed into a story! I hope you can re-read as much as you would like this year - I'm definitely wanting to re-read a few myself.

  4. Well done! I read 53 books last year, and I'm pretty proud of that fact. I, too, leave the house at 7:30 and don't get home until after 6. Plus, I have a three-year-old, so I don't get time to read until after he's tucked into bed for the night. This year, I'm not so focussed on the number of books I read, but just taking the time to enjoy each one. I'm currently reading Winter, which is over 800 pages, and I know that it's going to take me a few weeks to get through, but I'm not stressed about the effect it'll have on my book total because I'm just savouring every moment of the last book in this fantastic series =) I, too, am amazed by people that read over 100 books in a year, but I think it has a lot to do with lifestyle. For example, if I took transit to and from work, I could probably read there, and I've also worked a job where I could listen to audiobooks while working, so my book count went higher. Now, I drive with my son so I don't audiobook much anymore, nor do I have the time to read at work.

    1. That is a brilliant number of books to read in a year, especially with such a little boy in the house. I like the idea of taking your time to enjoy the books you read. I'm just reading when I want this year and seeing how I do. Winter is a massive book! I've yet to start The Lunar Chronicles but hopefully this year will be the year. I completely agree that it's all about lifestyle though! I haven't tried audiobooks yet, but I do have the Harry Potter ones somewhere. I really need to put them on my iPod and see how it goes with them.


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