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Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is my top ten resolutions for 2016. It's highly unlikely I will keep to most of them...
Get my Netgalley ratio up to 80% - It's slowly creeping up!

Read 20 physical books that I have owned prior to 1st January 2016 - I really need to make a dent in this!

Reread 10 books - Probably won't happen, but I can hope!

Finish 3 series - Too many series that I still need to start too!

Finish updating all my blog posts to the newer design - I started off really good, then it just stopped.

Visit 10 blogs a week - I really need to get back into a socialising routine.

Get at least 6 weeks ahead with blogging - So I'm not as rushed getting posts up!

Start going to the gym again - I was really good at this for a bit last year, then I got my new job and the gym dropped off the face of the planet almost.

Get own place - I want my own space already!

Start learning Spanish again - I started two years ago and again need to get back into it.

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  1. 6 weeks ahead! That is incredible! I can usually only do a week. I don't read very fast and I try to put out a review every week, but now I'm thinking that should be every other week. Hm, you've made my hovering light bulb light up, Lauren. LOL. Good luck achieving all your goals. Have a happy and healthy 2016!

    My TTT

    1. To be fair, I probably won't get to 6 weeks haha! But I can dream. I did reduce the rate I was putting out reviews for a bit and that helped a bit too.

  2. I also want to get my netgalley ratio up to 80%. I'm one book away!! :D
    Good Luck!

    My TTT! :D

    1. You are so lucky! I have lots to read before I'm at that point and it will probably get worse the more I request :(

  3. Great list! I need to work on finishing series, as I have so many unfinished. And I need to work on getting ahead! Good luck!

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

    1. I have so many series I need to start too! I own a fair few so hopefully this will be the year.

  4. Great resolutions! I especially love yours about re-reading and getting your NG % up -- I need to work on both! I have been requesting too many ARCs and then I just feel pressured to read them all! I'm much more of a mood reader so that doesn't help!!

    1. Thank you so much! I know exactly what you mean! I've lost count of how many NG books I've requested recently.

  5. Holy smokes, I'm usually writing my posts the night before they're scheduled to go up. I commend you and your organizational skills for even contemplating this resolution! :)

    1. I really don't know what I was thinking haha! But I'm going to try and stick to it.

  6. Great list! We have many of the same goals this year. I, too, need to start knocking series off my TBR and get back into online networking a bit more. It's so hard to find the time, but really makes blogging more fun! Good luck with your goals =)

    1. I'm seeing a lot of similar goals this year! Of course everyone wants to reduce their TBR haha! I know exactly what you mean about finding time! I've now decided to try and leave half and hour each evening for blogging and socialising, not sure how it will work but I'm giving it a go.

  7. I'm also trying to work on those books I have had for a long time - and finishing series. Thankfully some of these are the same book, unfortunately many aren't :/ good luck!!

    1. Yes, I'm the same a lot of series are in my TBR, but there's also a lot of series I need to start too...

  8. Great list of resolutions!
    6 weeks ahead would be an amazing thing to achieve. I really need to make more use of scheduling posts too! I'm trying to keep my NetGalley ratio up too but every time I do there's a new book that I need to request haha. I'm definitely going to try to visit more blogs as well, I've been really slacking lately! Good luck with all your goals! :D

    ­­ Nicola Reads YA

    1. Thank you very much. I'm not sure if I will make it to 6 weeks but I can try. My Netgalley ratio just keeps going now at the moment...


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