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The Sunday Post (17 January)

Sunday Post
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share our news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Image result for david bowie
What a sad, sad week this has been. First, David Bowie passed away. And even though much of his music was before my time, he still had quite a profound affect on my life. He is one of my dad's favourite singers. I know countless songs (albeit the popular ones) and have his greatest hits on my iPod. The day of his death, my family sort of reflected on his life by putting on the music channel playing all his hits. I discovered that we all have a different favourite Bowie song: mine being Life on Mars, mum's is Heroes (a close second place to my favourite), dad's is Ashes to Ashes and my brother's is Starman.

Image result for alan rickman
And then on Thursday, I was devastated by the news of Alan Rickman's passing. Of course, I'm part of the Harry Potter generation so Rickman was part of a vast majority of my childhood. There will never be another Severus Snape like him (because like any film these days they will probably remake the Potter films). But I was a fan of Alan Rickman's before Potter. The first film I saw him in was Robin Hood and that is another of my favourites. Then, of course, he was brilliant as Hans Gruber in Die Hard (of course I didn't see this one until I was a teenager). I was close to tears at work on Thursday and completely speechless.


If that wasn't enough, I also learned that Brian Bedford, the voice of Disney's Robin Hood passed away this week too. Another, childhood favourite gone. I have no idea how many time's I have watched Robin Hood, but I think it's about time I have a rewatch.

Anyway, in my life I've had a great week. I managed to read 3 books, something that hasn't happened in a long while. And 2 of them were really good. So that's really what I did the majority of the week.

I also went to the cinema for the first time in nearly a year. We went to see Sisters and it was really good, though not as funny as I thought it would be.

Last Week on the Blog:

This Week on the Blog:

Monday - Book Review: Riders of the Purple Sage, Zane Grey
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: My ten most recent additions to my TBR
Thursday - Book Review: Learning to Live (Infinite Love #1), Kira Adams

Around the Blogosphere:

Tracy @ Cornerfolds discusses reading to stay relevant in the book blogging world.
Jen @ The Bookavid explains why you should never take review inspiration from Goodreads.
AJ @ Read All the Things shows us how she read diversely but still failed at it.
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight discusses numerical ratings: love them or loathe them?

What I Read Last Week:

Riders of the Purple SageLearning to Live (Infinite Love, #1)Fangirl

What I Plan to Read Next Week:

Follow me via GoodreadsFacebookTwitterBloglovin, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I was stunned by the loss of Alan Rickman, and I wrote a small tribute to him on my blog, and I didn't know about the loss of Disney's Robin Hood voice, there has been alot of losses this week.
    Book wi had a terrific week!!

    1. It's been an utterly heartbreaking week! I'm hoping there's no more well known and loved deaths anytime soon.

  2. So many iconic celebrities have died recently. It is so sad. I am curious about Fangirl. The Truth looks good too. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I know, it's been such a depressing week. Fangirl was really good - I would highly recommend it. And The Truth has me hooked already, definitely feels like a winner.
      I hope you have a great week too!


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