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Book Review: The Loneliness of Distant Beings, Kate Ling

The Loneliness of Distant Beings

Title: The Loneliness of Distant Beings
Author: Kate Ling
Published: 19/05/2016, Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Pages: 320
Source: Netgalley
Format: Ebook
Rating: 2/5
"It is that quick, it is that strong, it is that beautiful. And it is also totally impossible."
Even though she knows it's impossible, Seren longs to have the sunshine on her skin. It's something she feels she needs to stay sane. But when you're floating through space at thousands of kilometres an hour, sometimes you have to accept there are things you cannot change.
Except that the arrival of Dom in her life changes everything in ways she can barely comprehend. For a while he becomes the Sun for her; and she can't barely help but say in his orbit. Being with him flaunts every rule designed to keep their home in order, but to lose him would be like losing herself.
In the end they must decide what is most important: loyalty to the only home they've ever known, or to each other?

The Loneliness of Distant Beings was a nice read that I quite enjoyed. And although it is obvious sci-fi, I didn't find it too heavy on the sci-fi. I haven't read much sci-fi in the past so this book is a fantastic introduction to the genre.

The setting is definitely different. I'm not too sure how realistic it is. I mean there are over 2000 people on a spaceship... how do they all fit? They even have chickens... Chickens... In space!! I really wish that the story explained what happened on Earth to make them decide it was a good idea to leave and find another planet.

The characters were enjoyable if a bit immature at times. I did feel sorry for them. Their entire lives are controlled by computers that choose everything from who you marry, your children and your job. There is absolutely no freedom whatsoever. It's a very surreal existence. I do sort of understand why they feel they need to live this way, but still WTF! It's no wonder Seren and many of the other inhabitants have issues.

Seren and Dom's romance is also a bit too sudden for me. I mean they meet at around 8% and Seren loves him by 11%. Hello, instalove. Extremely quick instalove at that too.

The Loneliness of Distant Beings is told from the first-person perspective of Seren. So the reader hears her frustration at the imposed lifestyle clearly. To an extent, I didn't find Seren's story too predictable until the last 10% or so where I had an inkling of what was going to happen. I also found the pacing slightly off in places and I wasn't too sure how much time is actually covered in the story (weeks or months). However, the ending is very climatic and nail-biting so that is definitely a positive.

Without giving away any spoilers, I do wish there was slightly more to the ending. I felt that there were a few questions still needing to be answered. I have heard that Kate Ling may be writing a sequel so these very well may be answered there.

The Loneliness of Distant Beings is an enjoyable, simple sci-fi and is great for those who haven't had much experience in the genre. I did have some issues with the lack of background information and unanswered questions, but the main story is very well done.

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  1. I actually went to buy this the other day but I was already buying so many books that I decided to leave it until next time. THANK YOU SO MUCH. There is nothing I hate more than insta-love, 11% in? Oh that's just a disaster, I am so happy I didn't end up picking it up because I would have had to DNF at that point.
    I'm sorry you didn't love this book more but from your review I can totally see why you didn't, I hope your next read is a lot better!
    Great review :)

    Cody @ Literary-ly Obsessed


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