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The Sunday Post (8 May)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

It's been a really quiet week this week which has made me so happy considering I spent the better part of two weeks ill. I'm not quite caught out with my reading or blogging but I'm getting there. In other news, I went to the hairdressers yesterday and went for the first major hair change in two years just because I really felt I needed the change. I went from being quite blonde to quite a dark brunette and I love it!

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Monday - ARC Review: The Last Days of Summer, Vanessa Ronan
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Non-Bookish Websites I Spend a lot of Time On
Thursday - Book Review: The Reflections of Queen Snow White

Around the Blogosphere

Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction discusses Characters with Absent Parent: Why is it a Book Trope?
Jen @ The Bookavid explains What to Write in Your Nergalley Profile.

What I Read Last Week

The Last Days of Summer

Currently Reading

The Reflections of Queen Snow White

What I Plan to Read This Week

The Loneliness of Distant BeingsThe Rose Petal Beach

Book Haul

Currently Listening To

Coming Home, Busted
First song in 12 years!!! It's so different from their old stuff but so good! And I'm going to see them at the Hydro this Friday!! Cannot wait!

Currently Watching

No picture this week, but I've been carrying on watching the latest Game of Thrones episode. That ending! I cannot wait for Monday night now! I've also been continuing with Shadowhunters and I think I'm up to episode 11 now. So I may be finishing that series pretty soon. :( I'll need to decide what to watch next now.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. 18 years! Wow, time does fly. Hard to believe... Thanks for sharing those discussions, I missed those and will check them out. The Neverland Wars looks interesting.

    I'm looking forward to Game of Thrones. :)

    1. I know! It really does fly. I can't wait to read The Neverland Wars. I've never read a Peter Pan retelling before.


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