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The Sunday Post (15 May)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Well, I've spent most of this week pretty sore. I actually went to a class at the gym for the first time since August. My sister-in-law goes all the time and she said it was the easiest one so I stupidly decided I'd join her on Tuesday. Now, I can't cough or laugh without my stomach/belly hurting! I just hope it will get better because I signed up for next week too... somebody shoot me!

On Friday, I went to see Busted in Glasgow with my sister-in-law and her best friend!!!! It was so awesome! And brought so many childhood memories back. They played all their classics and even played a few new songs from an upcoming album! It was just brilliant.

On Saturday, we spent the day in Glasgow and went around all the shops. And I finally went to the biggest bookshop in Scotland! The Waterstones on Sauchiehall Street. I was in heaven. Unfortunately, I couldn't spend too long there because the other girls aren't readers, but they still let me spend some time wandering around and I bought five books (which I probably don't need right now...).

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Monday - The Intimidating TBR Pile Tag
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Picked Up On a Whim
Thursday - ARC Review: The Loneliness of Distant Beings, Kate Ling

Around the Blogosphere

Unfortunately, I've not had much of a chance to skip through many blogs this week. But I'm definitely planning on having a nose around later today.

What I Read Last Week

The Reflections of Queen Snow WhiteThe Loneliness of Distant Beings

Currently Reading


What I Plan to Read This Week

Please, Pretty Lights (Pretty Lights Series Book 1)Dear Amy

Book Haul

Glass Sword (Red Queen #2), Victoria Aveyard / The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy #1), Marie Rutkoski / The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy #2), Marie Rutkoski / A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2), Sarah J. Maas / The Tusk That Did the Damage, Tania James

Currently Listening To

Busted of course...

Currently Watching

I've not really had the chance to watch much this week. Once again, I didn't watch any Shadowhunters. I did watch episode three of Game of Thrones. And I also half-watched Eurovision whilst catching up on my blogging.

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Those are some beautiful books in your book haul this week! I've always wanted to visit day I hope :) Hope you have a great week and enjoy your new reads!

    Here's my Sunday Post.

    1. Thank you! You should definitely try to visit Scotland. It's very nice when the weather is good, not so nice in the rain though haha!

  2. It's funny how exercising can take a toll on us the next day. I love bookstore browsing and I bet that Waterstones is awesome. Nice book pick ups! I watched GoT episode three too and thought it was pretty good- it's nice to have that show back.

    1. I know, exercising is hell on earth. Bookshop browsing is definitely one of my favourite things.


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