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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Picked Up On a Whim

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is ten books I picked up on a whim.

Mr Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy, #1)
Mr Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy #1), Stephen King
I had wanted to read Stephen King for years so when I saw this in Tesco I just picked it up.

Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1)
Wallbanger (Cocktail #1), Alice Clayton
This looked funny therefore I bought it and I'm so glad I did.

Abandon (Abandon, #1)
Abandon (Abandon #1), Meg Cabot
I needed a book for a long-haul flight and I knew I couldn't go far wrong with Meg Cabot. and I picked it up at a charity shop so it was cheap.

I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies, #1)
I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies #1), Pittacus Lore
I saw whats-his-name on the cover and wondered what film he was in now so decided to give it a go.

Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why, Jay Asher
The book fair was at my School and I had a book voucher so I thought why not.

Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1), Kendare Blake
I needed something to read after my University exams finished.

I am Rembrandt's Daughter
I Am Rembrandt's Daughter, Lynn Cullen
I honestly can't remember how this one came about....

Marked (House of Night, #1)
Marked (House of Night #1), P.C. & Kristin Cast
I got this in the height of my vampire/Twilight phase.

The Weight of Silence
The Weight of Silence, Heather Gudenkauf
I picked this up at the airport... I think...

The Secret Countess
The Secret Countess, Eva Ibbotson
And... I can't remember this one either...

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  1. I totally picked up Wallbanger because the title was so ridiculous but I really enjoyed it and the rest of Alice Clayton's books. I enjoyed Mr. Mercedes a lot. Great list!

    1. I've only read Wallbanger and Rusty Nailed so far, but I'm desperate to get my hands on her other books too. Mr Mercedes is definitely one of my facourites so far this year too. I'm so glad I've finally read a Stephen King book.

  2. I keep seeing Wallbanger EVERYWHERE! But I'm not so sure it's for me...Great Top Ten! :D
    My TTT!

    1. Wallbanger is just genius, but I do agree that it definitely isn't for everyone. It is hilarious though.

  3. A friend of mine read "Wallbanger" and really enjoyed it! The cover is pretty amusing. I've read "Anna Dressed in Blood" and was actually surprised by it, but I haven't read any of the other series yet.

    Lovely list!

    My TTT

    1. Wallbanger is definitely one of my favourites and the cover definitely drew me in. The book is just hilarious. Anna Dressed in Blood is definitely a great read too.

  4. I love Abandon! Meg Cabot is so incredible. Was kinda disappointed with the sequel though, sadly.

    - Jen from The Bookavid

    1. Abandon wasn't my favourite Meg Cabot, but it was still interesting. I actually remember liking the sequel more for some reason. And I agree she is pretty incredible. I just wish I had time to read more of her.

  5. Thirteen Reasons Why was on my list this week too.
    My TTT:

  6. Anna Dressed in Blood was great - I hope you liked it too. :)

    Check out my TTT.


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