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The Intimidating TBR Pile Tag

I have seen the Intimidating TBR Pile Tag floating around now for quite a while (including on Sarah's Chapter and Ariel Bissett's Channel on Booktube to name a couple) and thought it would be really cool to give it a go. you never know it might just persuade me to tackle my pile.

1. What book have you been unable to finish?

The Night Circus
I tried to read it last autumn but I just couldn't connect with it at the time, so I left it with definite plans to return to it one day.

What book have you yet to read because...

2. just haven't had the time?
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)
I've been meaning to read these for years, but they're just so big. I was hoping to read them this year, but I think it's going to be pushed to next year now. I want to be quite a few weeks ahead in my blogging before I tackle them.

3.'s a sequel?
Dearly Devoted Dexter (Dexter, #2)
I read the first book, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, a few months back and absolutely loved it. I really need to find the time to read the next book and all other books in the series.

4.'s brand new?
The Tusk That Did the Damage
I bought this one at the weekend, amongst others but they were all sequels and series so I thought I'd just showcase this one.

5. read a book by the same author and didn't enjoy it?
Pride and Prejudice
I know! Please don't hate me! I had to think long and hard for this one until finally I remembers that I read Mansfield Park at School and didn't like it at all. But I really, really, really want to read more Austen! I'm just scared I don't like them.

6.'re just not in the mood for it?
David Attenborough's Life on Air: Memoirs of a Broadcaster
Okay, David Attenborough is my idol. iI absolutely adore him. So it's not that I'm not in the mood to read Life on Air. It's just that when I do read it, I want to have the time to savour it and be in the mood to take my time with it. if that makes sense...

7.'s humongous?
Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle, #4)
Okay, so it's been so long since I read the first three so I think I need to reread them before I start Inheritance. Therefore, the time involved in eventually reading this is just massive. This alone is a huge book never mind the other three. There are well over 2000 pages needing to be read.

8. ...because it was a cover buy that turned out to have poor reviews?
Mr. Toppit
I bought this book years ago so I can't quite remember if it was a cover buy. But it's a pretty unusual cover so it's likely. Turns out the qaverage Goodreads rating is 3.01 so it's on the low side.

9. What is the most intimidating book on your TBR pile?
Les Misérables
It's massive and a classic. Enough said.

10. Who do you tag?
Right. So many people have already participated in this tag therefore if anyone wants to do the tag consider yourself tagged and let me know if you complete it and link to your post :)

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovinInstagram, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I love this tag. The Night Circus is also on my TBR, but I haven’t gotten to it, yet.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's such a great tag! I really want to try and read The Night Circus again soon. i just know I'll like it if I give it a chance.

  2. Great responses -- I also want to start GoT but the commitment definitely scares me!!

    1. Thanks! GoT's commitment is just terrifying, but I really can't wait to read it either.


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